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Stock, Sandra. “Under the Sun: Dominion Square’s Insurance Showcase.” Quebec Heritage News, Summer 2022.
Lacasse, Simon-Pierre. “‘A Curse or a Blessing?’: Montreal Jews and the Politics of 1960s Quebec.” Canadian Historical Review Vol. 103, no. 3 (September 2022): 359–383.
Gazzola, Michele, François Grin, Linda Cardinal, and Kathleen Heugh, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Language Policy and Planning. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2023.
Cardinal, Linda, Bernard Gagnon, Virginie Hébert, and François Rocher, eds. Une langue, des voix : débats autour de la loi 96 au Québec. Québec, QC: Presses de l’Univsersité Laval, 2023.
Elbourne, Elizabeth, Kimberley Ens Manning, and Zackary Kifell. “The Impact of Law 21 on Québec Students in Law and Education: Executive Summary of Findings.” [Executive Report]. Last modified 2023.
O’Donnell, Lorraine. “La transformation du Québec anglophone : entre défis et résiliance.” In Une langue, des voix : Débats autour de la loi 96 au Québec, edited by Linda Cardinal, Bernard Gagnon, Virginie Hébert, and François Rocher, 57–63. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2023.
Pannunzio, Anthony. “A Fractured Identity: The 1980 Referendum and the Italians of Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 2023.
Riggi, Jessica. “The Equality Party: A Trudeauist Vision of Federalism at the National Assembly.” In Contemporary Federalist Thought in Quebec: Historical Perspectives, edited by Antoine Brousseau Desaulniers and Stéphane Savard, translated by Mary Baker, Judith Laforest, Lawrence O’Hearn, and Eric Rodrigue, 51–71. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023.
Robinson, Ira. “Comparing Montreal and Toronto.” In The Ever-Dying People?: Canada’s Jews in Comparative Perspective, edited by Robert Brym and Randal F. Schnoor, Chapter 9. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2023.
Pattison-Meek, Joanne, and Andréanne Langevin. Rural Schools, Linguistic Identities, and Official Language Minority Rights: Insights from Rights Holder Parents in Quebec. [QUESCREN Working Paper no. 9]. Montreal: Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network, Concordia University, 2023.
O’Donnell, Lorraine, and Patrick Donovan. Vers une politique linguistique inclusive : Les Québécois d’expression anglaise et l’avenir de la langue française. Montreal: Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network, Concordia University, 2023.
Rudin, Ronald. “The Quiet Revolution and the Creation of Concordia University.” Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation Vol 35, no. 1 (Spring 2023): 49–64.
Bilodeau, Antoine, and Luc Turgeon. “Débats sur la laïcité et sentiment d’appartenance chez les immigrants racisés au Québec : Mieux comprendre l’impact des « événements focalisateurs ».” Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique Vol. 56, no. 2 (June 2023): 349–371.
Robinson, Jody. “Colonization Efforts of the Twentieth Century: Lawrence Colony Revisited.” Quebec Heritage News, Summer 2023.
Pollock, Katina. “Local Voice in Decision-Making at the School System Level Across Canada: A Report Prepared for the Canadian School Boards Association.” [Report]. Last modified September 2023.
Cutting, Gerry. “Off-Island Education: The History of Champlain College.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2024.
Olson, Sherry, and Mary Anne Poutanen. “Recovering Identities from the Judicial Archives of Quebec.” Histoire sociale / Social History Vol. 57, no. No. 117 (May 2024): 71–95.
Donovan, Patrick, and Shannon Bell. “Income Disparities Between Quebec’s English Speakers and Francophones Over Time.” [Research Brief no. 14]. [QUESCREN]. Last modified August 2024.
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