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Macdonald, Robert James. “Une Question de Survivance/A Question of Survival: The Struggle for Language Rights in Education in Contemporary Quebec.” PhD dissertation, University of Calgary, 1975.
Rome, David. Inventory of Documents on the Jewish School Question, 1903-1922. Montreal: National Archives, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1975.
Rome, David. On the Jewish School Question in Montreal, 1903-1931. Montreal: National Archives, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1975.
Veltman, Calvin J. “Ethnic Assimilation in Quebec: A Statistical Analysis.” American Review of Canadian Studies Vol. 5, no. 2 (1975): 104–129.
Savard, Jean-Guy, and Jérôme Lapierre. “Les tests de langue.” Québec français No. 18 (Mai 1975): 39–41.
Fleming, William. “The Two-Edged Sword: George Springate’s Hysterical Crusade to Slay Bill 22.” The Montreal Star Weekend Magazine. Montreal, November 29, 1975, Vol. 25, no. 48 edition.
Bernard, André. “L’abstentionnisme des électeurs de langue anglaise au Québec.” In Le processus électoral au Québec: les élections provinciales de 1970 et 1973, edited by Daniel Latouche, Guy Lord, and Jean-Guy Vaillancourt, 155–166. Montréal: Hurtubise HMH, 1976.
Boily, Robert. “La genèse et le développement des partis politiques au Québec.” In La modernisation politique du Quebec: en collaboration, edited by Edmond Orban and Gerald Bernier, 101–143. Sillery, QC: Editions du Boreal Express, 1976.
Bouthillier, Guy. “Le bill 22 : les tenants et les aboutissants de l’action linguistique.” In La modernisation politique du Québec, edited by Edmond Orban, 187–227. Sillery, QC: Les éditions du Boréal Express, 1976.
Desbarats, Peter. René: A Canadian in Search of a Country. Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart, 1976.
Di Paolo, G. P. “Bill 22 and Minority Rights in Quebec: An Independent Study Guide.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1976.
Gendron, Jean-Denis. “La situation du français comme langue d’usage au Québec.” Langue française Vol. 31, no. 1 (1976): 20–39.
Lamothe, Pierre, and Jean Desjardins. “Les quotidiens montréalais et l’élection d’avril 1970 : analyse de contenu.” In Le processus électoral au Québec: les élections provinciales de 1970 et 1973, edited by Daniel Latouche, Guy Lord, and Jean-Guy Vaillancourt, 111–125. Montréal: Hurtubise HMH, 1976.
Posgate, Dale, and Kenneth McRoberts. Quebec: Social Change and Political Crisis. Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart, 1976.
Rayside, David Morton. “Linguistic Divisions in the Social Christian Party of Belgium and the Liberal Parties of Canada and Quebec.” PhD dissertation, University of Michigan, 1976.
Townsend, Richard G. “Bill 22 vs. ‘the English’ -- A Case of Language Politics.” ED129090:31p. ERIC Clearinghouse Microfiches, 1976.
Corbeil, Jean-Claude. “Origine historique de la situation linguistique québécoise.” Langue française No. 31 (September 1976): 6–19.
Caldwell, Gary. “English-Speaking Quebec in the Light of Its Reaction to Bill 22.” American Review of Canadian Studies Vol. 6, no. 2 (Autumn 1976): 42–56.
Morris, Lorenzo. “The Politics of Education and Language in Quebec.” Canadian and International Education / Éducation canadienne et internationale Vol. 5, no. 2 (December 1976): 1–36.
Mallea, John R., ed. Quebec’s Language Policies: Background and Response. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 1977.
Betcherman, Lita-Rose. “Canada’s Human Rights after the Quebec Elections.” Patterns of Prejudice Vol. 11, no. 3 (1977): 23–27.
Bisson, Antonio. Bilan démographique de l’application de la loi 22 dans le système scolaire, 1974-75 et 1975-76 : R.A.S. de Montréal, reste du Québec, ensemble du Québec. Québec: Ministère de l’éducation, Direction des études économique, Service de la démographie scolaire, 1977.
Bissonnette, Leo Adolphe. “Loyola of Montreal: A Sociological Analysis of an Educational Institution in Transition Between 1969-1974.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 1977.
Bourgault, Jacques. “L’attitude de mass media vis-à-vis du gouvernement québécois.” Études internationales Vol. 8, no. 2 (1977): 320–336.
Caldwell, Gary, and Aurélie Poisson-Caldwell. Protestant Small Schools and Protestant Communities: A Historical Perspective. A Report Submitted to the Sub-Committee on Small Schools of the Protestant Committee. Québec: Gouvernement du Québec, Conseil supérieur de l’éducation, Comité Protestant, 1977.
Geldart, David, and Audrey Strutt. The Impact of Bill I on Education with Particular Reference to Western Quebec / Impact Sur l’enseignement Du Projet de Loi No 1 Visant plus Particulièrement La Région de l’ouest Du Québec. Gatineau, QC: English-Speaking Educational Community of Western Quebec, 1977.
Korda, Steven. “Le problème de la langue au Québec et au Canada (la loi 22 et l’Acte de l’Amérique du Nord britannique-1867).” Thèse de 3ème cycle, Droit et Économie, Université de Paris II, 1977.
Laurin, Camille. Québec’s Policy on the French Language. Québec: L’Éditeur officiel du Québec, Service de la reprographie, 1977.
Leslie, Peter. “Ethnic Hierarchies and Minority Consciousness in Quebec.” In Must Canada Fail?, edited by Richard Simeon, 107–135. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1977.
Morton, David D. “The Development of the Private English Academic Secondary Schools of Quebec, from 1965 to 1975.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1977.
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