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Zhao, Jennifer Congyan, and Tara Mawhinney. “Comparison of Native Chinese-Speaking and Native English-Speaking Engineering Students’ Information Literacy Challenges.” The Journal of Academic Librarianship Vol. 41, no. 6 (November 2015): 712–724.
“African-Canadian Career Excellence 2015 Employer Survey.” CEDEC (Community Economic Development and Employability Corporation). Last modified August 2015.
“African-Canadian Career Excellence 2014 Student Survey: The Needs and Challenges of Educated Black Youth in Obtaining Meaningful and Sustainable Employment.” CEDEC (Community Economic Development and Employability Corporation). Last modified May 2015.
Réseau de développement économique et d’employabilité (RDÉE Canada), and Community Economic Development and Employability Corporation (CEDEC). Canadian Plan for Economic Development of Official Language Minority Communities: Framework 2015-2020. Ottawa, ON and Huntingdon, QC: RDÉE Canada and CEDEC, 2015.
Chouakri, Yasmina. “Femmes immigrantes d’expression anglaise non fonctionnelles en français nouvellement arrivées au Québec : accès aux services en matière d’accueil, d’établissement et d’intégration.” Table de concertation des organismes au service des personnes réfugiées et immigrantes (TCRI). Last modified 2015.
Advisory Board on English Education. Québec Schools On Line : Opportunities for English-Language Education. Montreal: Ministère de l’éducation, du loisir et du sport, 2014.
Billingsley, Roberta. “Portrait de la communauté anglophone de la Gaspésie.” Magazine Gaspésie, March 2014.
Goodman, Morris, and Joel Yanofsky. To Make a Difference : A Prescription for a Good Life. Montreal and Kingston: Published for Pharmascience Inc. by McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2014.
Cooper, Celine. Moving Forward : Building Research Capacity Related to Quebec’s English-Speaking Seniors. Montreal: Quebec Community Groups Network, 2014.
Anderson, Bruce. City Houses & Country Estates: Traditions Maintained: The Residential Work of Anderson Architects. Montreal: Anderson Architects, 2014.
“African-Canadian Career Excellence Undergraduate Survey 2011-2012.” CEDEC (Community Economic Development and Employability Corporation). Last modified June 26, 2013.
Préaux, Céline. Le déclin d’une élite : francophones d’Anvers - anglophones de Montréal. Bruxelles, Belgique: P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2013.
Bousmah, Ibrahim Khalil. “The Wage Gap between Anglophones, Francophones and Allophones : The Case of Ottawa-Gatineau, Montreal and Quebec.” Master’s Research Paper, University of Ottawa, 2013.
Zhang, Tracy Y. (with Aurelia Roman for Industry Canada in collaboration with the Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network). “The Creative Economy and the English Speaking Communities in Quebec.” Last modified March 2012.
The Centre for Literacy of Quebec. The Literacy and Essential Skills Needs of Quebec’s Anglophone Adults. Montreal: Centre for Literacy Studies, 2012.
Neelin, Lyndal Laurel. “The Importance of Being Shawville: The Role of Particularity in Community Resilience.” PhD dissertation, Carleton University, 2012.
Lussier, Marie-Hélène. La situation socioéconomique des anglophones du Québec : rapport. Montréal: Institut national de santé publique Québec, 2012.
Lavoie, Émilie. “Langue de travail de la population immigrée recensée en 2006 dans la RMR de Montréal.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2012.
Lacireno-Paquet, Natalie. Québec Community Learning Centres : An English Minority Language Initiative : Final Evaluation Report. Québec: Ministère de l’éducation, du loisir et du sport. Secteur des services à la communauté anglophone et des affaires autochtones, 2012.
Jantzen, Lorna, and Fernando Mata. Statistical Portrait of English-Speaking Immigrants in Québec. Ottawa, ON: Canada. Citizenship and Immigration Canada, 2012.
Filion, Emmalie. “On Satisfaction with Work and Finances in the Eastern Township’s : The Effects of Age and Mother Tongue on Temporal Self-Assessments.” PhD Essay, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2012.
Potvin Kent, Monique, Lise Dubois, and Alissa Wanless. “Food Marketing on Children’s Television in Two Different Policy Environments.” International Journal of Pediatric Obesity Vol. 6, no. 2, part 2 (June 2011): 433–441.
Grenier, Gilles, and Serge Nadeau. “English as the Lingua Franca and the Economic Value of Other Languages : The Case of the Language of Work of Immigrants and Non-Immigrants in the Montreal Labour Market.” Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa. Working Paper #1107E. Last modified June 2011.
Maynard, Hugh. “Where Do the Anglos Work? A Review of Employment, Training and Educational Trends in the English-Speaking Communities of Quebec.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies / Revue d’études des Cantons-de-l’Est No. 36 (Spring 2011): 149–165.
Kiely, Shannon. “Maids, Media, and Migration : Filipino News Media in Montreal and the Transnational Lives of Live-in Caregivers.” Master’s Thesis, Dalhousie University, 2011.
de Guerre, Donald W., Rachel Garber, and Daniel Séguin. “Eastern Townships Community Search Conference.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’etudes des Cantons de l’Est No. 36 (2011): 97–118.
Beitel, David, Jill Lance, and Lisa Bornstein. Westmount Baseline Study 2010. Research Report Series. RR11-01E. Montreal: CURA Making Megaprojects Work for Communities - Mégaprojets au service des communautés, 2011.
Grundy Marketing. “Stimulating Small Business Development in Quebec’s English-Speaking Communities.” CEDEC (Community Economic Development and Employability Corporation). Last modified March 2010.
MacLeod, Roderick, and Eric John Abrahamson. Spirited Commitment: The Samuel and Saidye Bronfman Family, 1952-2007. Montreal and Kingston: Published for the Samuel and Saidye Bronfman Foundation by McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2010.
Christofides, Louis N., and Robert Swidinsky. “The Economic Returns to the Knowledge and Use of a Second Official Language: English in Quebec and French in the Rest-of-Canada.” Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques Vol. 36, no. 2 (2010): 137–158.
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