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Grenier, Gilles. “Langues utilisées à la maison et au travail à Montréal par les immigrants entre 2001 et 2016 : progrès notoire, mais fragile du français.” Recherches sociographiques Vol. 63, no. 3 (September 2022): 525–541.
Lemyre, Étienne. “Language Used at Work by Graduates of English, French or Bilingual Postsecondary Institutions.” Statistics Canada (Insights on Canadian Society). Last modified April 5, 2022.
Vigliano, Chiara. “Una gatta da pelare: Vies publiques et vies privées des Italiennes récemment arrivées à Montréal.” PhD dissertation, Université de Montréal, 2021.
Vaillancourt, François. “Les aspects économiques des politiques linguistiques en vigueur au Québec : répercussions sur les anglophones et francophones sur le marché du travail, 1970-2015.” In La Charte : La loi 101 et les Québécois d’expression anglaise / The Charter : Bill 101 and English-Speaking Quebec, edited by Lorraine O’Donnell, Patrick Donovan, and Brian Lewis, 205–230. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2021.
Bousmah, Ibrahim, Gilles Grenier, and David M. Gray. “Linguistic Distance, Languages of Work and Wages of Immigrants in Montreal.” Journal of Labor Research Vol. 42, no. 1 (2021): 1–28.
Cooke, Nathalie. “Montreal in the Canadian Culinary Imagination.” In Canadian Culinary Imaginations, edited by Shelley Boyd and Dorothy Barenscott, 117–145. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2020.
Babaei, Mehdi. “Language, Identity, and Investment: Trajectories of Purilingual Skilled and Well-Educated Immigrants in Intercultural Quebec.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2020.
Office québécois de la langue française. Rapport sur l’évolution de la situation linguistique au Québec, Avril 2019. Québec: Gouvernement du Québec, Office québécois de la langue française, 2019.
Dagenais, Michèle. “Montreal in the Twentieth Century : Trajectories of a City under Strains.” In New World Cities: Challenges of Urbanization and Globalization in the Americas, edited by John Tutino and Martin V. Melsoi, 169–209. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 2019.
Sedigh, Golnaz, Rose Anne Devlin, and Gilles Grenier. “Are Quebecers More Stressed Out at Work than Others? An Investigation into the Differences between Quebec and the Rest of Canada in Level of Work Stress.” Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de Politiques Vol. 43, no. 3 (September 2017): 177–189.
Paré, Olivier. “Les travailleuses grecques de Montréal.” Mémoires des Montréalais. Last modified juin 2017.
Grams, Grant W. “Gustav Hittler, Bund Organizer in Montreal and Return Migrant to Germany.” Québec Studies Vol. 63 (June 2017): 139–162.
Fougères, Dany, and Roderick MacLeod, eds. Montreal: The History of a North American City. 2 vols. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017.
Auger, Nathalie, Marianne Bilodeau-Bertrand, and André Costopoulos. “Language and Infant Mortality in a Large Canadian Province.” Public Health Vol. 139 (October 2016): 154–160.
Grenier, Gilles, and Serge Nadeau. “English as the Lingua Franca and the Economic Value of Other Languages : The Case of the Language of Work in the Montreal Labor Market.” In The Economics of Language Policy, edited by Michele Gazzola and Bengt-Arne Wickström, 267–312. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2016.
Zhao, Jennifer Congyan, and Tara Mawhinney. “Comparison of Native Chinese-Speaking and Native English-Speaking Engineering Students’ Information Literacy Challenges.” The Journal of Academic Librarianship Vol. 41, no. 6 (November 2015): 712–724.
Tamilia, Robert D., and Stanley J. Shapiro. “The English and Non French Market in Quebec: Issues and Prospects.” In Minority Marketing: Issues and Prospects : Proceedings of the 1987 Minority Marketing Congress, edited by Robert L. King, 92–96. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2015.
Magnan, Marie-Odile, Véronique Grenier, and Fahimeh Darchinian. “Stratégies d’orientation et d’insertion professionnelle des jeunes issus de l’immigration à Montréal : motifs de choix des institutions postsecondaires anglophones et francophones.” Canadian Journal of Sociology/Cahiers canadiens de sociologie Vol. 40, no. 4 (2015): 501–525.
Gagné, Jacques. “American and British Settlers in Western Quebec.” Last modified 2015.
Arcand, Sébastien, and Maher Najari. “La quête de reconnaissance professionnelle d’immigrants favorisant l’usage de l’anglais dans la région de montréal : entre dissonances et ressemblances.” Recherches sociographiques Vol. 55, no. 3 (September 2014): 485–510.
Walosik, Henry. The Polish Presence in North-Western Quebec. Bloomington, IN: Xlibris, 2014.
Trépanier, Mathieu Alexandre. “Le boulevard Saint-Laurent dans la Petite-Italie, 1930, 1960.” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2014.
Ramirez, Bruno. “Immigrants italiens dans l’espace social et culturel montréalais : une synthèse historique.” In Histoires d’immigrations au Québec, edited by Guy Berthiaume, Claude Corbo, and Sophie Montreuil, 43–59. Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2014.
Linteau, Paul-André. The History of Montréal: The Story of a Great North American City. Translated by Peter McCambridge. Montreal: Baraka Books, 2013.
Bousmah, Ibrahim Khalil. “The Wage Gap between Anglophones, Francophones and Allophones : The Case of Ottawa-Gatineau, Montreal and Quebec.” Master’s Research Paper, University of Ottawa, 2013.
Pocock, Joanne. Socio-Economic Profiles of the English-Speaking Visible Minority Population by Quebec Health Region: Baseline Data Report 2011-2012, Based on Date from the 2006 Census of Canada. Quebec: Community Health and Social Services Network, 2012.
Lavoie, Émilie. “Langue de travail de la population immigrée recensée en 2006 dans la RMR de Montréal.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2012.
Bischoff, Peter C. “‘Un chaînon incontournable au Québec’ : les Chevaliers du travail, 1882–1902.” Labour / Le Travail Vol. 70 (2012): 13–60.
Arcand, Sébastien. “Transmission of Entrepreneurial Spirit from First to Second Generation Ethnic Minorities in Montreal: Opening Paths for Further Researches.” Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy Vol. 6, no. 1 (2012): 39–56.
Dhar, Tirtha, and Kathy Baylis. “Fast-Food Consumption and the Ban on Advertising Targeting Children: The Quebec Experience.” Journal of Marketing Research Vol. 48, no. 5 (October 2011): 799–813.
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