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Nadeau Paradis, Sandra. “La petite bourgeoisie de La Tuque et son rôle dans l’exercice du pouvoir local, 1907-1939.” Master’s thesis, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2015.
Willis, John. “Promenade dans le fonds du Montreal Board of Trade.” Cap-aux-Diamants No. 118 (t 2014): 30–31.
Bourdages, Jeannot. “Le capitalisme « made in Britain ».” Magazine Gaspésie, March 2014.
Boudreau, Sylvain. “John Meagher, Marchand Irlandais de Carleton.” Magazine Gaspésie, March 2014.
McGoldrick, C. Robert. “From Anglo to Franco and from Napoleon ’Till Today: The Story of the Quebec City Chamber of Commerce, 1809-2009.” Last modified February 21, 2014.
Walton, Marcella. “The Guaranteed Pure Milk Co., Limited Cook Book, 1920’s.” CuiZine : The Journal of Canadian Food Cultures / Revue des cultures culinaires au Canada Vol. 5, no. 2 (2014): [n.p.].
Trépanier, Mathieu Alexandre. “Le boulevard Saint-Laurent dans la Petite-Italie, 1930, 1960.” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2014.
McGee, Robert. “Labour Unrest at the Montreal Cottons/ La Montreal Cottons et les luttes ouvrières.” Chateauguay Valley Historical Society Annual Journal/Revue annuelle de la Société historique de la vallée de la Châteauguay, 2014.
Goodman, Morris, and Joel Yanofsky. To Make a Difference : A Prescription for a Good Life. Montreal and Kingston: Published for Pharmascience Inc. by McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2014.
Culver, David M., and Alan Freeman. Expect Miracles: Recollections of a Lucky Life. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2014.
Anderson, Bruce. City Houses & Country Estates: Traditions Maintained: The Residential Work of Anderson Architects. Montreal: Anderson Architects, 2014.
McCallum, Marc Myre. “Boire comme un homme : la masculinité dans les publicités de bière au Québec dans les années 1920.” Cahiers d’histoire Vol. 32, no. 1 (t 2013): 99–125.
McGuire, Susan. “Horatio Gates: An American in Montreal during the War of 1812.” Quebec Heritage News, Winter 2013.
Linteau, Paul-André. The History of Montréal: The Story of a Great North American City. Translated by Peter McCambridge. Montreal: Baraka Books, 2013.
Fry, John. A Mind at Sea: Henry Fry and the Glorious Era of Quebec’s Sailing Ships. Toronto, ON: Dundurn Press, 2013.
Fong, William. “J.W. McConnell and the Chancellorship of McGill University, 1942–3.” Fontanus Vol. 13 (2013): 81–94.
Eastern Townships Resource Centre. “Economic Development: Finding Aid.” Last modified 2013.
Rudy, Jarrett. “Do You Have the Time?: Modernity, Democracy, and the Beginnings of Daylight Saving Time in Montreal, 1907–1928.” The Canadian Historical Review Vol. 93, no. 4 (December 2012): 531–554.
Leitch, Gillian I. “The Reford Family of Montreal.” Journal of the St Andrew’s Society of Montreal, January 2012.
Graham, Joseph. “Wright’s Rafts: The Lumber Baron of Hull.” Quebec Heritage News, Winter 2012.
Vaugeois, Denis. The First Jews in North America : The Extraordinary Story of the Hart Family, 1760-1860. Montreal: Baraka Books, 2012.
Bourassa, Karl. “Charles Carroll Colby : la vie professionnelle et le réseau d’affaires d’un bourgeois des Cantons de l’Est du XIXe siècle.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Sherbrooke, 2012.
Bouchard, Pierre. La langue de l’affichage commercial sur l’île de Montréal en 2010. Montréal: Office québécois de la langue française, 2012.
Arcand, Sébastien. “Transmission of Entrepreneurial Spirit from First to Second Generation Ethnic Minorities in Montreal: Opening Paths for Further Researches.” Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy Vol. 6, no. 1 (2012): 39–56.
Virr, Richard Edmund. “In Pursuit of Adventure : The Fur Trade in Canada and the North West Company/En quête d’aventure : la traite des fourrures au Canada et la Compagnie du nord-ouest.” Last modified January 16, 2011.
Fox, Ross Allan C. “Julius Barnard (1769-after 1820) as Peripatetic Yankee Cabinetmaker.” Vermont History Vol. 79, no. 1 (Winter/Spring 2011): 1–25.
Young, Brian. “Sir Hugh Allan, Shipping Magnate, Railway Promoter, Financier, and Capitalist.” In Canada’s Entrepreneurs: From the Fur Trade to the 1929 Stock Market Crash: Portraits from the Dictionary of Canadian Biography, edited by J. Andrew Ross and Andrew D. Smith, 305–327. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2011.
Lafleur, Geneviève. “Le parcours de formation et les stratégies de diffusion de femmes galeristes à Montréal entre 1941 et 1963 : Denyse Delrue, Estelle Hecht, Agnès Lefort et Rose Millman.” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2011.
Kestreman, Jean-Pierre. Transactions froncières dans les townships de Barnston et de Barford et à Coaticook (1792-1855). Sherbrooke QC: Éditions GGC, 2011.
Kesteman, Jean-Pierre. De Barnston à Coaticook : la naissance d’un village industriel (1792-1867). Sherbrooke, QC: Éditions GGC, 2011.
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