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“African-Canadian Career Excellence 2014 Student Survey: The Needs and Challenges of Educated Black Youth in Obtaining Meaningful and Sustainable Employment.” CEDEC (Community Economic Development and Employability Corporation). Last modified May 2015.
Houle-Courcelles, Mathieu. “‘Le futur nous appartient’: la One Big Union au Québec (1924-1929).” Le Bulletin du Regroupement des chercheurs-chercheures en histoire des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec Vol. 41, no. 1 (Printemps 2015): 4–37.
Tamilia, Robert D., and Stanley J. Shapiro. “The English and Non French Market in Quebec: Issues and Prospects.” In Minority Marketing: Issues and Prospects : Proceedings of the 1987 Minority Marketing Congress, edited by Robert L. King, 92–96. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2015.
Sweeny, Robert C. H. Why Did We Choose to Industrialize?: Montreal, 1819-1849. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015.
Poutanen, Mary Anne. Beyond Brutal Passions: Prostitution in Early Nineteenth-Century Montreal. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015.
Magnan, Marie-Odile, Véronique Grenier, and Fahimeh Darchinian. “Stratégies d’orientation et d’insertion professionnelle des jeunes issus de l’immigration à Montréal : motifs de choix des institutions postsecondaires anglophones et francophones.” Canadian Journal of Sociology/Cahiers canadiens de sociologie Vol. 40, no. 4 (2015): 501–525.
Dohan, Jeremy. “Montreal Troubles in 1849: From the Repeal of the Canada Corn Act to the Creation of the Annexation Association.” Historiae: Concordia Undergraduate Journal of History Vol. 13 (2015): 40–59.
Chouakri, Yasmina. “Femmes immigrantes d’expression anglaise non fonctionnelles en français nouvellement arrivées au Québec : accès aux services en matière d’accueil, d’établissement et d’intégration.” Table de concertation des organismes au service des personnes réfugiées et immigrantes (TCRI). Last modified 2015.
Abramson, Zelda. “From Rags to Comfort: Women Holocaust Survivors Rebuilding Lives in Montreal, 1947-1958.” Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes Vol. 23 (2015): 92–117.
Alston, Sandra, and C.M. Blackstock, eds. ‘Another World’: William Ord Mackenzie’s Sojourn in the Canadas, 1839-1843. Vol. 76b. Toronto, ON: The Champlain Society, 2015.
Wiseman, Lauren. “The Work of Louis Muhlstock: A Compassionate Despiction of Depression-Era Subjects.” Chrysalis: A Critical Student Journal of Transformative Art History Vol. 1, no. 1 (Fall 2014): 91–100.
Arcand, Sébastien, and Maher Najari. “La quête de reconnaissance professionnelle d’immigrants favorisant l’usage de l’anglais dans la région de montréal : entre dissonances et ressemblances.” Recherches sociographiques Vol. 55, no. 3 (September 2014): 485–510.
Boudreau, Sylvain. “John Meagher, Marchand Irlandais de Carleton.” Magazine Gaspésie, March 2014.
Billingsley, Roberta. “Portrait de la communauté anglophone de la Gaspésie.” Magazine Gaspésie, March 2014.
McGoldrick, C. Robert. “From Anglo to Franco and from Napoleon ’Till Today: The Story of the Quebec City Chamber of Commerce, 1809-2009.” Last modified February 21, 2014.
Ramirez, Bruno. “Immigrants italiens dans l’espace social et culturel montréalais : une synthèse historique.” In Histoires d’immigrations au Québec, edited by Guy Berthiaume, Claude Corbo, and Sophie Montreuil, 43–59. Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2014.
McGee, Robert. “Labour Unrest at the Montreal Cottons/ La Montreal Cottons et les luttes ouvrières.” Chateauguay Valley Historical Society Annual Journal/Revue annuelle de la Société historique de la vallée de la Châteauguay, 2014.
MacLeod, G. Scott. The Irishman - Child of the Gael. Animation, 2014.
Lauzon, Gilles. Pointe-Saint-Charles : L’urbanisation d’un quartier ouvrier de Montréal, 1830-1940. Québec: Septentrion, 2014.
Larsen, Wayne. “Staying Connected: Gauging the Relevance of English-Language Community Newspapers in the Montreal Region.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2014.
Hustak, Alan, and Bryan Demchinsky. Soup to Self-Sufficiency: Montreal’s Old Brewery Mission. Montreal: The Old Brewery Mission, 2014.
Härtull, Camilla, and Jan Saarela. “Ethno-Linguistic Groups during an Economic Recession: Low-Income Earners in the 1990s’ Finland.” Finnish Yearbook of Population Research Vol. 49 (2014): 87–103.,%202014,%2049,%2087-103.pdf.
Giguère, William. “Les influences transnationales sur la nationalisation de l’électricité au Québec (1934-1963).” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2014.
Flavell, David. Community & the Human Spirit: Oral Histories from Montreal’s Point St. Charles, Griffintown & Goose Village. Ottawa, ON: Petra Books, 2014.
Culver, David M., and Alan Freeman. Expect Miracles: Recollections of a Lucky Life. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2014.
Cooper, Celine. Moving Forward : Building Research Capacity Related to Quebec’s English-Speaking Seniors. Montreal: Quebec Community Groups Network, 2014.
Bourbeau, Catherine. “La communauté Écossaise de Montréal : Histoire et questions identitaires.” In Histoires d’immigrations au Québec, edited by Guy Berthiaume, Claude Corbo, and Sophie Montreuil, 7–23. Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2014.
“African-Canadian Career Excellence Undergraduate Survey 2011-2012.” CEDEC (Community Economic Development and Employability Corporation). Last modified June 26, 2013.
Vaillancourt, François, Julien Tousignant, Joëlle Chatel-DeRepentigny, and Simon Coutu-Mantha. “Revenus de travail et rendement des attributs linguistiques au Québec en 2005 et depuis 1970.” Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques Vol. 39, no. Supplement 1 (Mai 2013): S25–S40.
Robinson, Jody. “Beyond Business: Interactions Between English and French Through the Archives of the Douglas Family, An Overview.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’etudes des Cantons de l’Est No. 40 (Spring 2013): 87–96.
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