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High, Steven. Deindustrializing Montreal : Entangled Histories of Race, Residence and Class. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022.
Williams, Dorothy W. “Unintended Consequences : Bill 101 and the English-Speaking Black Community.” In La Charte : La Loi 101 et Les Québécois d’expression Anglaise / The Charter : Bill 101 and English-Speaking Quebec, edited by Lorraine O’Donnell, Patrick Donovan, and Brian Lewis, 387–395. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2021.
Moisan, Sabrina. “Intégrer les expériences et perspectives historiques des groupes marginalisés dans le cours Histoire du Québec et du Canada.” Enjeux de l’univers social Vol. 15, no. 1 (Printemps-Ét 2019): 31–34.
Germain, Annick. “The Fragmented or Cosmopolitan Metropolis? A Neighbourhood Story of Immigration in Montreal.” British Journal of Canadian Studies Vol. 29, no. 1 (March 2016): 1–23.
Lewis, Lerona Dana. “Caribbean Immigrant Parents’ Involvement in Their Children’s Education in Francophone Elementary Schools in Montreal.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2016.
Hébert, Paul C. “’A Microcosm of the General Struggle’ : Black Thought and Activism in Montreal, 1960-1969.” PhD dissertation, University of Michigan, 2015.
Cheung, Leslie Lian. “Negotiating ‘Nous’: Competing Host National Identities among Second Generation Immigrants in Quebec.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2015.
Livingstone, Anne-Marie, Jacqueline Celemencki, and Melissa Calixte. “Youth Participatory Action Research and School Improvement: The Missing Voices of Black Youth in Montreal.” Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l’éducation Vol. 37, no. 1 (2014): 283–307.
Martel, Marcel. “‘Riot’ at Sir George Williams: Giving Meaning to Student Dissent.” In Debating Dissent: Canada and the Sixties, edited by Lara Campbell, Dominique Clément, and Gregory S. Kealey, 97–114. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2012.
Dere, Jessica, Andrew G. Ryder, and Laurence J. Kirmayer. “Bidimensional Measurement of Acculturation in a Multiethnic Community Sample of First-Generation Immigrants.” Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement Vol. 42, no. 2 (April 2010): 134–138.
Mansah, Joseph, and David Firang. “The African Diaspora in Montreal and Halifax: A Comparative Overview of ‘the Entangled Burdens of Race, Class and Space.’” In The African Diaspora in the U.S. and Canada at the Dawn of the 21st Century, edited by John W. Frazier, Joe T. Darden, and Norah F. Henry, 35–48. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2010.
Ogbuagu, Buster C. “In Search of Communal Identity: The Role of the Black Community in Identity Formation Among Nigerian Youth.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2007.
Este, David. “Black Churches in Canada: Vehicles for Fostering Community Development in African-Canadian Communities - An Historical Analysis.” In Spirituality and Social Work: Select Canadian Readings, edited by John Coates, John R. Graham, and Barbara Swartzentruber, 299–322. Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2007.
De Iaco, Gilda Assunta. “Juvenile Street Gang Members and Ethnic Identity in Montreal, Canada.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2006.
Lanthier, Pierre. “La mémoire historique de la communauté noire dans la société québécoise : l’expérience d’un atelier de musique organisé à Québec en 2004.” Master’s Thesis, Université Laval, 2005.
Sweeney, Mary. “Planning for Public Spaces in Multiethnic Contexts : A Case Study of Mountains Sights, Montreal.” PhD dissertation, Université de Montréal, 2004.
Pruden, Keith. “The Georgian Spirit in Crisis: The Causes of the Computer Centre Riot.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2004.
Simard, Carolle. “Les élus issus des groupes ethniques minoritaires à Montréal : perceptions et représentations politiques, une étude exploratoire.” Politique et Sociétés Vol. 22, no. 1 (2003): 53–57.
Arcand, Sébastien. “Les minorités ethniques et l’État québécois: partîcipation et représentations sociales des associations de groupes ethniques minoritaires lors de commissions parlementaires, 1 974-2000.” PhD dissertation, Université de Montréal, 2003.
Torczyner, Jim L., and Sharon Springer. The Evolution of the Black Community of Montreal: Change and Challenge. Montreal: MCESSP, McGill School of Social Work, 2001.
Winks, Robin W. The Blacks in Canada : A History. 2nd ed. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2000.
Germain, Annick, and Damaris Rose. Montréal : The Quest for a Metropolis. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2000.
Hoerder, Dirk. “Immigrants in Montreal.” In Creating Societies: Immigrant Lives in Canada, 71–84. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1999.
Carew, Jan. “Malcolm X’s Mother in Montreal: A Pioneering Educator.” In Re/Visioning: Canadian Perspectives on the Education of Africans in the Late Twentieth Century, edited by Vincent D’Oyley and Carl James, 18–24. North York, ON: Captus Press, 1998.
Ulysse, Pierre Joseph, and Christopher McAll. “Minorités, majorités et les territoires du quotidien.” In Le quartier Côte-des-Neiges à Montréal: Les interfaces de la pluriethnicité, edited by Deirdre Meintel, Victor Piché, Danielle Juteau, and Sylvie Fortin, 191–209. Paris, France: L’Harmattan, 1997.
Étienne, Gérard. La question raciale et raciste dans le roman québécois : essai d’anthroposémiologie. Montréal: Editions Balzac, 1995.
Belgrave, Valerie. “The Sir George Williams Affair.” In The Black Power Revolution, 1970: A Retrospective, edited by Selwyn Ryan and Taimoon Stewart, 119–131. St. Augustine, Trinidad: I.S.E.R., University of the West Indies, 1995.
Québec. Ministère de la sécurité publique. An Opportunity for Progress: Report of the Task Force of the Minister of Public Security of Quebec on Relations Between the Black Communities and the Montreal Urban Community Police Department. Québec: Minister of Public Security of Quebec, 1992.
Ledoyen, Alberte. Montréal au pluriel : huit communautés ethno-culturelles de la région montréalaise. Sainte-Foy, QC: Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture, 1992.
Tremblay, Pierre-André. La discrimination envers les minorités visibles au Québec : le regard des sciences sociales : recension des écrits remise au Conseil québécois de la recherche sociale. Chicoutimi, QC: Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Dep. des sciences humaines, 1991.
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