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Brainerd, Homer N. A History of Golden Rule, No. 5, A.F. & A.M.: Q.R. from 1906 to 1963: Stanstead, Quebec. Sherbrooke, QC: Page-Sangster Printing Company, 1964.
Craick, William Arnot. A History of Canadian Journalism. Vol. II: Last Years of the Canadian Press Association, 1908-1919, with a Continuing Record of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association, 1919-1959. Toronto, ON: The Ontario Publishing Company, 1959.
Bone, John R., ed. A History of Canadian Journalism in the Several Portions of the Dominion, With a Sketch of the Canadian Press Association 1859-1908. Toronto, ON: Murray Printing Company, 1908.
Nelson, M. Erma. “A Half Century of Progress: Highlights in the P.A.P.T. History, 1900-1951.” The Educational Record of the Province of Quebec Vol. 80, no. 2 (June 1964): 88–92.
Cameron, Ruth L. A Guide to Some Papers of the Montreal Ladies’ Educational Association and Royal Victoria College : Accession No. 2160. Montreal: McGill University Archives, 1976.
Pannunzio, Anthony. “A Fractured Identity: The 1980 Referendum and the Italians of Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 2023.
A Few Remarks on the Meeting at Montreal for the Formation of an Association for the Promotion and Protection of the Educational Interests of Protestants in Lower Canada. Montreal: E. Sénécal, 1864.
Finkelstein, Maxyne, and Shlomo Shimon. “A Federation Approach to Israel Programs: Allied Jewish Commnity Services and the Jewish Education Council of Montreal.” Journal of Jewish Communal Service Vol. 67, no. 3 (1991): 240–243.
Connor, J. T. H. “‘A Compliment to Canadian Medicine’: Sir Thomas Roddick Addresses the British Medical Association in Montréal.” Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l’Association médicale canadienne Vol. 185, no. 10 (July 9, 2013): 901–902.
Litchfield, Jack. A Chronology of Six Montreal Record-Collectors’ Clubs. Toronto, ON: J. Litchfield, 1989.
Morrow, Don. “A Case-Study in Amateur Conflict: The Athletic War in Canada, 1906-1908.” British Journal of Sports History Vol. 2 (1986): 173–190.
Morrow, Don. “A Case-Study in Amateur Conflict: The Athletic War in Canada, 1906-08.” The International Journal of the History of Sport Vol. 3, no. 2 (September 1986): 173–190.
Pearson, Jane C. A Brief History of Women’s Organizations in Lennoxville. Lennoxville, QC: Bishop’s University, 1974.
Lessard, Wendy L. A Brief History of Cultural Organizations in Lennoxville. Lennoxville, QC: Bishop’s University Library, 1975.
Arnaudin, Margaret Pye. A Bird in the Bush: The Story of the Province of Quebec Society for the Protection of Birds, 1917-2002. Westmount, QC: Price-Patterson, 2002.
Joseph, Anne. “A Bachelor’s Life : A Busy Young Man in Quebec City, 1837-1846.” Quebec Heritage News, June 2009.
25th Anniversary, Thistle Lodge, No. 96, G.R.Q., A.F. & A.M., 1922-1947. Montreal: [s.n.], 1947.
Brym, Robert J., Keith Neuman, and Rhonda L. Lenton. “2018 Survey of Jews in Canada: Executive Summary.” In American Jewish Year Book 2019 : The Annual Record of the North American Jewish Communities Since 1899, edited by Arnold Dashefsky and Ira M. Sheskin, 119:247–261. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2020.
Lacroix, Laurier. “1917: une première célébration de la fondation de Montréal.” Les Cahiers des Dix No. 70 (2016): 267–287.
Janson, Gilles. “1810-1895, l’entrée des femmes dans l’arène sportive.” Cap-aux-Diamants No. 113 (Printemps 2013): 11–16.
Potton Heritage Association. “150th ANNIVERSARY – 150e ANNIVERSAIRE St. John’s Lodge No. 27 A.F. & A.M., G.R.Q. Mansonville 1865 - 2015.” Histoire Potton History Vol. 3, no. 3 (Fall 2015): 2–44.
St. Patrick’s Society of Richmond & Vicinity. 100th Anniversary, 1877-1977: St. Patrick’s Society of Richmond & Vicinity, Richmond, Quebec. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1977.
Estey, Ralph H. “100 Years with the Quebec Society for the Protection of Plants/Les 100 Ans de La Société de Protection Des Plantes Du Québec.” Phytoprotection Vol. 89, no. 2–3 (December 2008): 51–65.
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