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Grace, Robert J. The Irish in Quebec: An Introduction to the Historiography. Québec: Institut québécois de recherché sur la culture, 1993.
Blacklock, Deborah. “Constancy in the Canadian Canon: The Reception History of Rosanna Leprohon’s Antionette de Mirecourt and William Kirby’s The Golden Dog.” Master’s Thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1993.
Bartlett, Mark C., Fiona A. Black, and Bertrum H. MacDonald, eds. The History of the Book in Canada: A Bibliography. Halifax, N.S.: B.H. MacDonald, 1993.
Rouillard, Jacques, ed. Guide d’histoire du Québec du régime français à nos jours : bibliographie commentée. Montréal: Méridien, 1993.
Ball, John, and Richard Plant, eds. Bibliography of Theatre History in Canada: The Beginnings Through 1984/Bibliographie d’histoire Du Théatre Au Canada: Des Début-Fins 1984. Toronto: ECW Press, 1993.
Bélanger, Jacques. “À propos de l’Acte constitutionnel de 1791: Entretien avec Denis Vaugeois.” Cap-aux-Diamants No. 30 (t 1992): 10–13.
Behiels, Michael D. “The Richler Affair and Others: The Problems of Living Together in Quebec.” The Literary Review of Canada Vol. 1, no. 6 (June 1992): 13–16.
Slattery, Maureen. “Qualitative Methodology: Approaches to Research Design for the Oral History of Montreal Anglophones, 1960-1990.” In Les Approches Empiriques En Théologie/Empirical Approaches in Theology, edited by Marc Pelchat, 131–156. Québec: Faculté de théologie, Université Laval, 1992.
O’Donnell, Brendan. Sources for the Study of English-Speaking Quebec: An Annotated Bibliography of Works Published Between 1980 and 1990/Sources Pour l’étude Du Québec d’expression Anglaise: Bibliographie Annotée d’ouvrages Produits de 1980 à 1990. Lennoxville, QC: Eastern Townships Research Centre, Bishop’s University, 1992.
Comeau, Robert, and Michel Lévesques. Partis politiques et élections provinciales au Québec : bibliographie rétrospective (1867-1991). Québec: Bibliothèque de l’Assemblée nationale, 1992.
Burgess, Joanne, Louise Dechêne, Paul-André Linteau, and Jean-Claude Robert. Clés pour l’histoire de Montréal : bibliographie. Montréal: Les Éditions du Boréal, 1992.
Bernier, Gérard, and Daniel Salée. The Shaping of Québec Politics and Society: Colonialism, Power, and the Transition to Capitalism in the 19th Century. Washington, DC: Crane Russak, 1992.
Menkis, Richard. “Historiography, Myth and Group Relations: Jewish and Non-Jewish Québécois on Jews and New France.” Canadian Ethnic Studies/Études ethniques au Canada Vol. 23, no. 2 (1991): 24–38.
Centre international de recherche en aménagement linguistique. Annotated Bibliography of the Official Languages of Canada / Bibliographie Analytique Des Langues Officielles Au Canada. Ottawa, ON: Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages / Commissariat aux langues officielles, 1991.
Lawson, Philip. “A Perspective on British History and the Treatment of Quebec.” Journal of Historical Sociology Vol. 3, no. 3 (1990): 253–271.
Lahaise, Robert. Le Québec, 1830-1939 : bibliographie thématique : histoire et littérature. Montréal: Hurtubise HMH, 1990.
Drouilly, Pierre. Les élections au Québec : bibliographie. Québec: Bibliothèque de l’Assemblée nationale, 1990.
Aubin, Paul, and Louis-Marie Côté. Bibliographie de l’histoire Du Québec et Du Canada/Bibliography of the History of Quebec and Canada (1980-1985). 2 vols. Québec: Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture, 1990.
Levine, Marc V. “The Language Question in Quebec: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography.” Québec Studies Vol. 8 (Spring 1989): 36–41.
Senécal, André. A Reader’s Guide to Québec Studies. Québec: Ministère des Affaires internationales, 1988.
Ajzenstat, Janet. The Political Thought of Lord Durham. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1988.
Bernatchez, Ginette. “La Société littéraire et historique de Québec (The Literary and Historical Society of Quebec) 1824-1890.” Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française Vol. 35, no. 2 (September 1987): 179–192.
Tapper, Lawrence F. Archival Sources for the Study of Canadian Jewry / Source d’archives Sur Les Juifs Canadiens. 2nd ed. Ottawa, ON: National Archives of Canada, Ethnocultural Guide Series, 1987.
Masciotra, Vince. “Quebec Legal Historiography, 1760-1900.” McGill Law Journal/Revue de droit de McGill Vol. 32 (1987): 712–737.
Bernier, Gérard, and Robert Boily. Le Québec en transition : 1760-1867. Bibliographie thématique. Montréal: Acfas, 1987.
Baker, G. Blaine, Brian Young, Kattheen Fisher, and Vince Masciotra. Sources in the Law Library of McGill University for a Reconstruction of the Legal Culture of Quebec, 1760-1890. Montreal: McGill University, Faculty of Law; & Business History Project, 1987.
Aubin, Paul, and Louis-Marie Côté. Bibliographie de l’histoire Du Québec et Du Canada/Bibliography of the History of Quebec and Canada (1946-1965). 2 vols. Québec: Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture, 1987.
Mennie-de-Varennes, Kathleen. Annotated Bibliography of Genealogical Works in Canada. 6 vols. Markham, ON: Fitzhenry & Whiteside in association with the National Library of Canada and the Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Supply and Services Canada, 1986.
Laperrière, Guy, and Michel Sharpe. Bibliographie d’histoire Des Cantons de l’Est/History of the Eastern Townships: A Bibliography. 2nd ed. (Histoire des Cantons de l’Est, 1). Sherbrooke, QC: Département d’histoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 1986.
Beauregard, Yves, and Réjean Lemoine. “Marianna O’Gallagher: historienne de Grosse-Île.” Cap-aux-Diamants Vol. 1, no. 2 (te 1985): 13–15.
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