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Slattery, Maureen. “Les Irlandais catholiques de Montréal : introduction historique et méthodologique.” In Société, culture et religion à Montréal, XIXe-XXe siècle, edited by Guy Lapointe, 35–62. Montréal: VLB Éditeur, 1994.
Stewart, Charles H. The Eastern Townships of the Province of Quebec: A Bibliography of Historical, Geographical and Descriptive Material. Montreal: McGill University Library School, 1940.
Story, Norah. The Oxford Companion to Canadian History and Literature. Toronto, ON: Oxford University Press, 1968.
Swan, Graham Richard. “The Economy and Politics in Quebec, 1774-1791.” PhD dissertation, University of Oxford, 1978.
Sweeny, Robert. A Guide to the History and Records of Selected Montreal Businesses Before 1947 / Guide Pour l’étude d’entreprises Montréalaises et Leurs Archives Avant 1947. Montreal: Montreal Business History Project, 1978.
Taber, Thomas T. Guide to Railroad Historical Resources United States and Canada. 4 vols. Muncy, PA: T.T. Taber III, 1993.
Tapper, Lawrence F. Archival Sources for the Study of Canadian Jewry / Source d’archives Sur Les Juifs Canadiens. 2nd ed. Ottawa, ON: National Archives of Canada, Ethnocultural Guide Series, 1987.
Tremblay Lamarche, Alex. “De la « trahison de sa race et de la langue de ses pères » à un champ d’études en développement : Brève étude historiographique des mariages interreligieux au Québec des origines jusqu’à nos jours.” In Le Québec sous toutes ses échelles : 20 ans de recherche au CIEQ : actes des 19e et 20e colloques étudiants du CIEQ, edited by Lauréanne Daneau, Joseph Gagné, and Alex Tremblay Lamarche, 15–25. Québec: CIÉQ, Centre interuniversitaire d’études québécoises, 2016.
Van Be, Lam. L’immigration et Les Communautés Culturelles Du Québec, 1990-1995 : Bibliographie / Immigration and Cultural Communities in Québec, 1990-1995 : An Annotated Bibliography. Saint-Laurent, QC: Éditions Sans frontières, 1995.
Varga, Michael. “Towards an Ethic of Cultural Harmonization : Translating History Textbooks in the Province of Québec.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2010.
Vaudry-Levasseur, Flavie. “La protection et la transmission du patrimoine montréalais dans la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle : l’exemple de la Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2021.
Vaudry-Levasseur, Flavie. “Histoire et pratique d’érudition au XIXe siècle: le cas de la Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal.” Cap-aux-Diamants, Automne 2022.
Verity, Barbara, Mary Mitchell, and Louise J. Cousineau. Strategies For Our Future/Stratégies Pour Notre Avenir: An Annotated Bibliography of Publications on Minority Communities. Ascot, QC: Townshippers’ Association, 1993.
Warren, Jean-Philippe. “When History Becomes a Battlefield. An Analysis of History Exams in Quebec (1970-2012).” Canadian Issues/Thèmes canadiens (Spring 2014): 1–15.
Williams, Dorothy W. “Sankofa: Recovering Montreal’s Heterogeneous Black Print Serials.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2006.
Williams, Dorothy W. “‘You Don’t Have A History’: Passion as the Counter-Narrative of Heritage, History, and Archives.” Minorités linguistiques et société / Linguistic Minorities and Society No. 21 (2023): 1–14.
Woodley, Elsie Caroline. “The History of Education in the Province of Quebec: A Bibliographical Guide.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1932.
Young, Brian. “Les anglophones et l’historiographie Québec/Canada.” In Échanges culturels entre les Deux solitudes, edited by Marie-Andrée Beaudet, 41–51. Québec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 1999.
Zanazanian, Boghos. “Historical Consciousness and the Construction of Inter-Group Relations: The Case of Francophone and Anglophone History School Teachers in Quebec.” PhD dissertation, Université de Montréal, 2009.
Zanazanian, Paul. “Historical Consciousness and the ‘French-English’ Divide Among Quebec History Teachers.” Canadian Ethnic Studies/Études ethniques au Canada. Vol. 40, no. 3 (2008): 109–130.
Zanazanian, Paul. “Towards Developing an ‘Anglo-Québécois’ Information Resource Book for School History Teachers in Quebec : Thoughts from a Qualitative Study.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies / Revue d’études des Cantons-de-l’Est No. 36 (Spring 2011): 69–95.
Zanazanian, Paul. “Historical Consciousness and the Structuring of Group Boundaries: A Look at Two Francophone School History Teachers Regarding Quebec’s Anglophone Minority.” Curriculum Inquiry Vol. 42, no. 2 (March 2012): 215–239.
Zanazanian, Paul. “Le «conflit anglais-français» et l’enseignement d’histoire nationale : vers une compréhension des attitudes de Franco-Québécois et une ouverture aux réalités et aux expériences anglophones.” In Francophones et citoyens du monde: éducation, identités et engagement, edited by Annie Pilote, 123–142. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2014.
Zanazanian, Paul. “History Is a Treasure Chest: Theorizing a Metaphorical Tool for Initiating Teachers to History and Opening up Possibilities of Change for English-Speaking Youth in Quebec.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies / Revue d’études des Cantons-de-l’Est No. 43 (Fall 2014): 27–46.
Zanazanian, Paul. “Historical Consciousness and Being Québécois: Exploring Young English-Speaking Students’ Interactions with Quebec’s Master Historical Narrative.” Canadian Ethnic Studies / Études ethniques au Canada Vol. 47, no. 2 (2015): 113–135.
Zanazanian, Paul. “History Teaching and Narrative Tools: Towards Integrating English-Speaking Youth into Quebec’s Social Fabric.” Minorités linguistiques et société / Linguistic Minorities and Society No. 7 (2016): 70–96.
Zanazanian, Paul. “Teaching History for Narrative Space and Vitality: Historical Consciousness, Templates, and English-Speaking Quebec.” In International Perspectives on Teaching Rival Histories: Pedagogical Responses to Contested Narratives and the History Wars, edited by Henrik Åström Elmersjö, Anna Clark, and Monika Vinterek, 107–131. London, England: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2017.
Zanazanian, Paul. “Vers un schéma narratif pour donner une place à la minorité anglophone dans l’enseignement de l’histoire au Québec.” Didactica Historica Vol. 3 (2017): 63–70.,%20Le%20documentaire%20en%20histoire,%20article%203.
Zanazanian, Paul, and Lorraine O’Donnell. “Quelle place pour les anglophones dans le grand récit collectif des québécois? Rapport d’une journée d’étude.” Enjeux de l’univers social Vol. 8, no. 1 (Printemps 2012): 9–10, 23.
Zanazanian, Paul, and Nathalie Popa. “Using a Narrative Tool to Help Quebec English-Speaking Students Produce Personal Histories of Belonging.” LEARNing Landscapes Journal Vol. 11, no. 2 (2018): 365–379.
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