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Cardinal, Claudette. The History of Quebec: A Bibliography of Works in English. Montreal: Centre for the Study of Anglophone Quebec, Concordia University, 1981.
Caruso, Naomi, Golda Cukier, and Roland Finegold. A Preliminary Guide to the Jewish Canadiana Collection of the Jewish Public Library. Montreal: Jewish Public Library, 1981.
Centre international de recherche en aménagement linguistique. Annotated Bibliography of the Official Languages of Canada / Bibliographie Analytique Des Langues Officielles Au Canada. Ottawa, ON: Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages / Commissariat aux langues officielles, 1991.
Chaniac, Arnaud. “Of Wine And Roses : le Québec anglophone et la France (v. 1920 – v. 1990).” PhD dissertation, Nantes Université et l’Université de Montréal, 2022.
Clement, Wallace, and Daniel Drache. A Practical Guide to Canadian Political Economy. Toronto, ON: James Lorimer & Company, 1978.
Comeau, Robert, and Michel Lévesques. Partis politiques et élections provinciales au Québec : bibliographie rétrospective (1867-1991). Québec: Bibliothèque de l’Assemblée nationale, 1992.
Commins, John. “Teaching History in English in Quebec Schools.” Canadian Diversity/Diversité canadienne Vol. 7, no. 1 (Winter 2009): 42–45.
Commins, John. “Enseigner l’histoire du Québec aux enfants d’expression anglaise : le parcours d’un enseignant.” Enjeux de l’univers social Vol. 8, no. 1 (Printemps 2012): 32–35, 39.
DesRoches, Sarah Jean. “History Teaching in an Intercultural Context : Implications for Citizenship.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2014.
Dickinson, John A. “The English-Speaking Minority of Quebec: A Historical Perspective.” International Journal of the Sociology of Language No. 185 (May 2007): 11–24.
Dickinson, John, and Brian Young. A Short History of Quebec. 4th ed. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2008.
Doherty, Patrick. Principal English Writings of the Late Rev. P.J. Doherty ; Prefaced by a Sketch of His Life. Quebec: L.H. Huot, 1873.
Donovan, Patrick. “L’hôpital Jeffery Hale : 150 ans de relations interethniques.” Cap-aux-Diamants No. 121 (Printemps 2015): 25–28.
Donovan, Patrick. “English-Speaking Quebecers.” The Canadian Encyclopedia. Historica Canada, August 29, 2019. Accessed November 6, 2015.
Doucet, Sophie, and Karine Hébert. “L’histoire du féminisme au Canada et au Québec : bibliographie sélective.” MENS: Revue d’histoire intellectuelle de l’Amérique française Vol. 2, no. 1 (Automne 2001): 125–144.
Drolet, Gil. Loyola, The Wars: In Remembrance of ‘Men for Others.’ Waterloo, ON: Laurier Centre for Military, Strategic and Disarmament Studies, 1996.
Drolet, Gil. “Loyola, The Wars: In Remembrance of ‘Men For Others.’” Canadian Military History Vol. 5, no. 1 (1996): 100–103.
Drouilly, Pierre. Les élections au Québec : bibliographie. Québec: Bibliothèque de l’Assemblée nationale, 1990.
Duquette, Catherine, Lindsay Gibson, and Jacqueline P. Leighton. “Important ou non ? Comparaison de l’importance historique accordée aux événements de l’histoire dite nationale par des enseignants francophones et anglophones du Canada.” In Tensions dans l’enseignement de l’histoire nationale et des sciences sociales. Vues québécoises et internationales, edited by Marie-Claude Larouche, Félix Bouvier, and Pierre-Luc Fillion, 57–78. Québec, QC: Septentrion, 2022.
Egerton, Hugh Edward, and W. L. Grant. Canadian Constitutional Development Shown by Selected Speeches and Dispatches. London, England: John Murray, 1907.
Filby, William P. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: A Guide to Published Arrival Records of 300,000 Passengers Who Came to the United States and Canada in the Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. 3 vols. Detroit, MI: Gale Research, 1980.
Filby, William P. Passenger and Immigration Lists. Bibliography, 1538-1900. Being a Guide to Published Lists of Arrivals in the United States and Canada. Detroit, MI: Gale Research, 1981.
Fyson, Donald. “The Conquered and the Conqueror: The Mutual Adaptation of the Canadiens and the British in Quebec, 1759-1775.” In 1759 Revisited: The Conquest of Canada in Historical Perspective, edited by Phillip A. Buckner and John G. Reid, 190–217. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2012.
Gadoury, Lorraine, and Jean-François Leclerc. “Profil de quelques bourgeois de Montréal, 1820-1825.” Cahiers d’histoire Vol. 5, no. 2 (Printemps 1985): 7–23.
Gilchrist, J. Brian, and Clifford Collier. Genealogy and Local History to 1900: A Bibliography Selected from the Catalogue of the Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions (CIHM). Ottawa, ON: Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions, 1995.
Gordon, Ross. “The Historical Debate on the Charges of Anti-Semitism Made Against Lionel Groulx.” Master’s Thesis, University of Ottawa, 1996.
Gossage, Peter. “Les anglophones dans l’histoire collective du Québec : réflexions sur des travaux en cours.” Enjeux de l’univers social Vol. 8, no. 1 (Printemps 2012): 11–15.
Gossage, Peter, and J. I. Little. An Illustrated History of Quebec: Tradition & Modernity. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 2012.
Grace, Robert J. The Irish in Quebec: An Introduction to the Historiography. Québec: Institut québécois de recherché sur la culture, 1993.
Greer, Allan. “The Pattern of Literacy in Quebec, 1745-1899.” Histoire sociale/Social History Vol. 11, no. 22 (November 1978): 293–335.
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