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Vigneault, Michel. “La naissance d’un sport organisé au Canada : le hockey à Montréal, 1875-1917.” PhD dissertation, Université Laval, 2001.
Poulter, Gillian. “Becoming Native in a Foreign Land: Visual Culture, Sport and Spectacle in the Construction of National Identity in Montreal, 1840-1885.” PhD dissertation, York University, 1999.
Schmidt, Sarah. “Domesticating Parks and Mastering Playgrounds: Sexuality, Power and Place in Montreal, 1870-1930.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1996.
Comité collégial de l’A.P.E.Q. Le rôle de l’éducation physique dans les collèges du Québec : une perspective anglophone. Montréal: Confédération des éducateurs physiques du Québec, 1992.
The Penguin Ski Club 60th Anniversary: A Story of Women’s Skiing in the Laurentians. Montreal: The Club, 1992.
Massicotte, Jean-Paul, and Claude Lessard. “Les anglophones et le sport en Mauricie.” Canadian Journal of History of Sport/Revue canadienne de l’histoire de sport Vol. 22, no. 1 (1991): 9–19.
Dauphinais, Paul R. “A Class Act: French Canadians in Organized Sport, 1840-1910.” The International Journal of the History of Sport Vol. 7, no. 3 (December 1990): 432–442.
White, Philip G. “Sport and the Language Groups in Canada.” Plural Societies Vol. 20, no. 1 (June 1990): 73–84.
Guay, Donald. L’histoire du hockey au Québec : origine et développement d’un phénomène culturel. Chicoutimi, QC: JCL, 1990.
Dubé, Philippe. Charlevoix: Two Centuries at Murray Bay. Translated by Tony Martin-Sperry. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1990.
Kim, Chankon, Michael Laroche, and Brenda Lee. An Empirical Study of the Relationship Between Ethnicity and Leisure Participation. Montreal: Faculty of Commerce and Administration, Concordia University, 1988.
Massicotte, Jean-Paul, and Claude Lessard. “Rôle Ethno-Historique De La Raquette.” Canadian Journal of History of Sport/Revue canadienne de l’histoire des sports Vol. 17, no. 1 (Mai 1986): 1–10.
Vigneault, Michel. “La diffusion du hockey à Montréal, 1895-1910.” Canadian Journal of History of Sport/Revue canadienne de l’histoire des sports Vol. 17, no. 1 (1986): 60–74.
Lee, Brenda. “Differences in Leisure and Recreational Behaviour & Attitudes between French and English Speaking Montreal Area Consumers of Different Age Groups : A Review and Empirical Analysis.” MBA Research paper, Concordia University, 1986.
Vigneault, Michel. “The Cultural Diffusion of Hockey in Montreal, 1890-1910.” Master’s Thesis, University of Windsor, 1985.
Addona, Tony. “A Comparison of Attitudes Toward Physical Education of the French and English High School Students in the Jerome Le Royer School Commission.” Master’s Thesis, Springfield College, 1982.
Ruckenstein, Michael. “Leisure Pursuits of the English and French-Canadians in an Urban Population.” PhD dissertation, Boston University, 1980.
Boileau, Roger. “Révolution tranquille, relations ethniques et pratiques sportives.” In La transformation du pouvoir au Québec : Actes du Colloque de l’ACSALF 1979, edited by Nadia Assimopoulos, Jacques T. Godbout, Pierre Hamel, and Gilles Houle, 259–286. Montréal: Les Éditions coopératives Albert Saint-Martin, 1980.
Metcalfe, Alan. “The Evolution of Organized Physical Recreation in Montreal, 1840-1895.” Histoire sociale/Social History Vol. 11, no. 21 (May 1978): 144–166.
Boileau, Roger. “Social Change, Ethnicity and Amateur Sport Involvement in Québec : 1963-73.” Master’s Thesis, University of Waterloo, 1977.
Rioux, Gilles. “Notman et les jeux/photomontages.” Vie des arts, t 1976.
Gupta, Krishna Murari. “Status of Physical Education in the English Speaking Secondary Schools in the Province of Quebec.” Master’s Thesis, Mankato State College, Minnesota State University, 1972.
Armstrong, Stephen. “A Survey of Boys’ Physical Education in the English-Speaking Public High Schools of the City of Montreal and District.” Master’s Thesis, Springfield College, 1954.
Beers, William George. “Canada in Winter.” The British American Magazine, December 1863.
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