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Ramirez, Bruno. “Workers Without a Cause: Italian Immigrant Labour in Montreal, 1880-1930.” In Arrangiarsi: The Italian Immigration Experience in Canada, edited by Roberto Perin and Franc Sturino, 119–134. Montreal: Guernica, 1989.
Copp, Terry. “The Child Welfare Movement in Montreal to 1920.” In Social Welfare, 1850-1950: Australia, Argentina, and Canada Compared, edited by Desmond Christopher St.Martin Platt, 45–59. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1989.
Wolfe, Jeanne M., and Grace Strachan. “Practical Idealism: Women in Urban Reform, Julia Drummond and the Montreal Parks and Playgrounds Association.” In Life Spaces: Gender, Household, Employment, edited by Caroline Andrew and Beth Moore Milroy, 65–80. Vancouver, BC: The University of British Columbia Press, 1988.
Metcalfe, Alan. “Leisure, Sport and Working Class Culture: Some Insights from Montreal and the North-East Coalfield of England.” In Leisure, Sport and Working Class Cultures: Theory and History, edited by Hart Cantelon and Robert Hollands, 65–76. Toronto, ON: Garamond Press, 1988.
Robins, Nora. “Useful Education for the Workingman: The Montreal Mechanics’ Institute, 1828-70.” In Knowledge for the People: The Struggle for Adult Learning In English-Speaking Canada, 1828-1973, edited by Michael R. Weldon, 20–34. Toronto, ON: The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 1987.
Gendron, Jean-Denis. “Defining Language Policy in a Nationalistic Milieu and in a Complex Industrialized Region: The Quebec Case.” In Language Policy in Canada: Current Issues: A Selection of the Proceedings of the Papers Dealing with Language Policy Issues in Canada at the Conference “Language Policy and Social Problems” Held in Curaçao, December, 1983, edited by Juan Cobarrubias, 28–36. Québec: International Center for Research on Bilingualism/Centre international de recherche sur le bilinguisme, Université Laval, 1985.
Dofny, Jacques. “Ethnic Cleavages, Labour Aristocracy, and Nationalism in Quebec.” In New Nationalisms in the Developed West, edited by E. A. Tiryakian and Ronald Rogowski, 353–373. Boston, MA: Allen and Unwin, 1985.
Coleman, William. “The Class Bases of Language Policy in Quebec, 1949-1983.” In Quebec: State and Society, edited by Alain-G. Gagnon, 388–409. Toronto, ON: Methuen, 1984.
Lafrance, Marc, and David-Thiery Ruddel. “Physical Expansion and Socio-Cultural Segregation in Quebec City, 1765-1840.” In Shaping the Urban Landscape: Aspects of the Canadian City-Building Process, edited by Gilbert Stelter and Alan Artibise, 148–172. Ottawa, ON: Carleton University Press, 1982.
Copp, Terry. “The Health of the People: Montreal in the Depression Years.” In Norman Bethune: His Times and His Legacy -- Son Époque et Son Message, edited by D. A. E. Shepard and Andrée Lévesque, 129–137. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Public Health Association, 1982.