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Dawson, John William. Thoughts on Hospital Sites, By On-Looker. Montreal: [s.n.], 1889.
Rev. Cochrane, William, ed. The Canadian Album, Men of Canada; or Success by Example, in Religion, Patriotism, Business, Law, Medicine, Education and Agriculture; Containing Portraits of Some of Canada’s Chief Businessmen, Statesmen, Farmers, Men of Learned Professions, and Others. 5 vols. Brantford, ON: Bradley, Garretson, 1891.
“Nurses’ Life in the Montreal General Hospital.” The Dominion Illustrated Monthly Vol. 1, no. 9 (October 1892): 541–550.
Pharmacopõia of the Montreal General Hospital. 2nd edition. Montreal: Published by the Authority of the Medical Board, 1893.
Visitor. Reminiscences Connected with the General Hospital of Montreal. Montreal: [s.n.], 1894.
History of Homeopathy in Montreal. Montreal: [s.n.], 1895.
Germano, Joseph. “L’auberge de Joe Beef.” La revue nationale Vol. 1 (1895): 634–638.
Shortis, Valentine. The Queen vs. F.V.C. Shortis : English Addresses of Counsel and the Charge of the Hon. Mr. Justice Mathieu to the Jury, as Taken by John J. Lomax and A.A. Urquhart, Official Stenographers to the Court. Montreal: W. Drysdale, 1895.
“The Dental Profession and Bishop’s College.” Canada Medical Record Vol. 24 (1896): 241–245.
Saint-Pierre, Henri Césaire. Affaire Shortis : plaidoyer de mtre H. C. Saint-Pierre, c.r. pour la défense de Valentine Shortis accusé de meutre : audiences des 29, 30 et 31 octobre 1895. Montréal: C. O. Beauchemin & fils, 1896.
Shortis, Valentine. Documents relatifs à la commutation de la sentence de mort dans la cause de Valentine F.C. Shortis. Ottawa, ON: S.E. Dawson, 1896.
Worthington, E. D. Reminiscences of Student Life and Pratice. Sherbrooke, QC: Printed for Sherbrooke Protestant Hospital by Walton & Co., 1897.
Drummond, William Henry. Pioneers of Medicine in the Province of Quebec. Montreal: [s.n.], 1898.
Campbell, Francis Wayland. History of the Formation of the Medical Faculty, University of Bishop’s College, in Montreal. Waterville, QC: J.H. Osgood, 1900.
Johnston, Wyatt G. “Montreal General Hospital, No. 3. Reference Index of Post-Mortems from 1883 to 1895.” Copy in McGill University’s Osler Library of the History of Medicine, Robertson Collection, 1902.
Ruttan, F. R. “Dr. William Robertson.” The McGill University Magazine, April 1902.
Abbott, Maude E. “Historical Sketch of the Medical Faculty of McGill University.” Montreal Medical Journal Vol. 31 (August 1902): 561–672.
MacCallum, D. C. “Reminiscences of the Medical School of McGill University: With a Slight Sketch Iindividually of the Members of the Medical Faculty of 1847-50.” McGill University Magazine Vol. 2 (April 1903): 124–148.
Abbott, Maude E. “Andrew F. Holmes, M.D., LL.D., 1797-1860.” The McGill University Magazine, May 1905.
Birkett, Herbert S. A Brief Account of the History of Medicine in the Province of Quebec from 1535 to 1838. New York, NY: William Wood & Co, 1908.
Douglas Jr., James, ed. Journals and Reminiscences of James Douglas, M.D. New York, NY: Privately Printed, 1910.
Meiklejohn, M. Louise. “The Early Hospital History of Canada, 1535-1875 A.D.” Montreal Medical Journal Vol. 39, no. 5 (May 1910): 297–320.
Guerin, Bellelle Guerin. John Easton Mills: The Martyr Mayor of Montreal. Montreal: [s.n.], 1911.
Reid, Helen R. Y. Social Service and Hospital Efficiency. Montreal: Witness Press, 1913.
Hurd, Henry Mills, William Francis Drewry, Richard Smith Dewey, Charles Winfield Pilgrim, George Adler Blumer, and T. J. W. Burgess. The Institutional Care of the Insane in the United States and Canada. 4 vols. Baltimore. MD: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1916.
Montreal Soldiers’ Wives’ League: 85 and 87 Osborne Street, Montreal. Aim and Work. Montreal: The League, 1919.
Shepherd, Francis J. Reminiscences of Student Days and Dissecting Room. Montreal: [s.n.], 1919.
Mrs. Pearce, C. A. A History of the Montreal Ladies Benevolent Society, 1815-1920. Montreal: The Society, 1920.
Reid, Helen R. Y. A Social Study Along Health Lines of the First Thousand Children Examined in the Health Clinic of the Canadian Patriotic Fund, Montreal Branch. Montreal: [s.n.], 1920.
Abbott, Maude E. “Classified Bibliography of Sir William Osler’s Canadian Period (1868-1885).” Sir William Osler: Memorial Number, the Canadian Medical Association Journal (July 1920): 103–123.
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