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Brown, Thomas Storrow. 1837: My Connection With It. Quebec: Raoul Renault, Publisher, 1898.
Bruck, Margaret, Wallace E. Lambert, and G. Richard Tucker. Cognitive and Attitudinal Consequences of Bilingual Schooling: The St. Lambert Project Through Grade Six. Montreal: McGill University, 1973.
Brûlé, Michel. Anglaid : une langue irrémédiablement vouée à l’impérialisme et à l’ethnocentrisme. Montréal: M. Brûlé, 2009.
Brun, Henri. La formation des institutions parlementaires québécoises, 1791-1838. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 1970.
Brunet, Michel. La présence anglaise et les canadiens : études sur l’histoire et la pensée des deux Canadas. Montréal: Beauchemin, 1958.
Brunet, Michel. “British Conquest: Canadian Social Scientists and the Fate of the Canadians.” The Canadian Historical Review Vol. 40, no. 2 (June 1959): 94–107.
Brunet, Michel. French Canada and the Early Decades of British Rule. Translated by Naomi E. S. Griffiths. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Historical Association Booklets, No. 13, 1965.
Brunet, Michel. “La minorité anglophone du Québec : de la conquête à l’adoption du Bill 22.” Action nationale Vol. 64, no. 6 (1975): 452–466.
Brunwald, Jason. “Jewish Writers of Montreal as Innovators in the Canadian Satirical Tradition: A Study of a Selection of Novels by Mordecai Richler and William Weintraub.” Master’s Thesis, Université Laval, 2010.
Buller, Herman. “McGill University and an Aroused Quebec.” Canadian Jewish Outlook Vol. 7, no. 2 (May 1969): 8–11.
Bureau de l’admissibilité à l’enseignement en anglais. Guide de procédure, admissibilité à l’enseignement en anglais. Québec: Ministère de l’éducation, Bureau de l’admissibilité à l’enseignement en anglais, 1983.
Burgess, Donald A. “The Past Went That-a-Way: Enrolment in English Education in Quebec.” McGill Journal of Education/Revue des sciences de l’éducation de McGill Vol. 14, no. 2 (Spring 1979): 163–172.
Burke, Louis. “The Problems and Achievements of the English Catholics in the Field of Education.” Master’s Thesis, Institut pédagogique Saint-Georges, Université de Montréal, 1956.
Burrows, Stephanie, Nathalie Auger, Lum Tamambang, and Amadou D. Barry. “Suicide Mortality Gap between Francophones and Anglophones of Quebec, Canada.” Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology Vol. 48, no. 7 (July 2013): 1125–1132.
Burt, A. L. The Old Province of Quebec. 2 vols. Canadian Library Nos. 37 and 38. Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart, 1968.
Butcher, Wilfred F. “The ‘English’ of Quebec City.” Hermès Vol. 10 (Hiver 1954): 24–29.
Buteau, Magdelhayne Florence. “Significance of Errors Made By English Speaking Students on a Written French Grammar Examination.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 1970.
Butler, Rick. Quebec: The People Speak. Toronto, ON: Doubleday Canada Ltd., 1978.
Buxton, George. “Some Aspects of the Religious Policy of Great Britain in the Province of Quebec, 1760-1774.” Canadian Catholic Historical Association Report Vol. 5 (1938 1937): 17–23.
Cahill (Sister), Maura Ann (Elizabeth). “The Legislative Council of Quebec: Attempts to Abolish or Reform, 1867-1965.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1966.
Cahill, Elizabeth Mary. “A Study of Political Attitudes in Pontiac County.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 1971.
Caldwell, Gary. A Demographic Profile of the English-Speaking Population of Quebec, 1921-1971. Quebec: International Center for Research on Bilingualism, 1974.
Caldwell, Gary. “English-Speaking Quebec in the Light of Its Reaction to Bill 22.” American Review of Canadian Studies Vol. 6, no. 2 (Autumn 1976): 42–56.
Caldwell, Gary. Out-Migration of English Mother-Tongue High School Leavers from Quebec, 1971-1976. Lennoxville, QC: Anglo-Québec en Mutation, 1978.
Caldwell, Gary. Anglophone Quebec Outside of the Montreal Area in the Seventies: Socio-Demographic Evolution: Summary. Québec: Gouvernement du Québec, Conseil de la langue française, Direction des études et recherches, 1980.
Caldwell, Gary. Le Québec anglophone hors de la région de Montréal dans les années soixante-dix : évolution sociodémographique. Québec: Gouvernement du Québec, Conseil de la langue française, Direction des études et recherches, 1980.
Caldwell, Gary. Those Who Stayed: How They Managed: Interviews with 110 of the AQEM Out-Migration Sample (N: 975) Who Stayed in Quebec. Lennoxville, QC: Anglo-Québec en Mutation, 1981.
Caldwell, Gary. “People and Society.” In The English of Québec: From Majority to Minority Status, edited by Gary Caldwell and Éric Waddell, 57–71. Québec: Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture, 1982.
Caldwell, Gary. “Anglo-Quebec on the Verge of Its History.” Language and Society No. 8 (Autumn 1982): 3–6.
Caldwell, Gary. “L’anglophonie québécoise à la croisée des chemins.” Langue et société Vol. 8 (Automne 1982): 8–11.
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