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22 resources
Rose, Félix. La bataille de Saint-Léonard: Numérique, Documentary. Picbois Productions, 2024.
Walker, John. Quebec My Country Mon Pays. DVD, Documentary. John Walker Productions, 2016.
Canada. Statistics Canada. Portrait of Official-Language Minorities in Canada. On-Line Video, 2014.
Télé-Québec. Les anglophones du Québec sont-ils en voie de disparition? Documentary. Société GRICS, 2011.
K, Jimmy. Angryphone: The Struggle for Canada in Quebec. DVD, Documentary, 2008.
Aloisio, Anita. Les enfants de la loi 101. Documentary. Productions Virage, 2007.
Le Brun, Thierry. A License to Remember. National Film Board of Canada, 2002.
Jay, Paul. Never-Endum Referendum. Documentary. High Road Productions, in association with the National Film Board of Canada, 1997.
Jay, Paul. Anglo Blues. Documentary. High Road Productions, in association with the National Film Board of Canada, 1997.
Desmarais, Mario. Le Royaume de la bonne entente : les Cantons-de-l’Est au 20e siècle. VHS, Documentary. Synercom Téléproduction, 1995.
Weintraub, William. The Rise and Fall of English Montreal. DVD, Documentary. National Film Board of Canada, 1993.
Neidik, Abbey Jack. Between the Solitudes. Documentary. National Film Board of Canada, 1992.
Dufaux, Georges. Rue Sainte-Catherine West. Les Films Pierka Inc, 1992.
Payette, Pauline. Les Anglophones au Québec. VHS, [Journalist interviews]. Société Radio-Canada, 1991.
Kaufman, David. A.M. Klein: The Poet as Landscape. Ergo Media Inc., 1987.
Brault, Claude. Les anglophones du Québec, 1986.
Brochu, Pierre. Les Anglophones dans les Cantons de l’Est, 1982.
Viljoen, Tina. Under New Management. VHS, Documentary. National Film Board of Canada, 1981.
May, Derek. Mother Tongue. National Film Board of Canada, 1979.
Godbout, Jacques. Double Vision. Documentary. National Film Board of Canada, 1979.
Blais, Gilles. Sophie Wollock’s Newspaper. Documentary. National Film Board of Canada, 1979.
Devlin, Bernard. Double Heritage. Documentary. National Film Board of Canada, 1948.