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Zielinski, Stanislaw A. The Story of the Farnham Meeting: A Quaker Meeting in Allen’s Corner, East Farnham Township, Brome County, Province of Quebec, Canada, 1820-1902. Fulford, QC: Zielinski, 1961.
Zaver, Arzina. “Navigating Mandated Neutrality and the Impact on Teacher Identity: An Analysis of the Ethics and Religious Culture Program in Québec.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2017.
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Yasmin, Jiwani. “Orientalizing ‘War Talk’: Representations of the Gendered Muslim Body Post 9-11 in the Montreal Gazette.” In Situating Race in Time, Space and Theory: Critical Essays for Activists and Scholars, edited by Jo-Anne Lee and John Lutz, 178–203. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2005.
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Wood, John. Something From Our Hands: Historical Canadian Biography Based Upon Memoirs Recorded in 1899 by Rev. John Wood, a Founding Member of Congregational Church Union in 1853 and a Prominent Citizen of His Day. Edited by William Archibald Wood. Hudson Heights, QC: Wood Family Archives, 1988.
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Willms, J. Douglas. Montréal Chassidic and Orthodox Community, Québec. A Community Research Report. Gatineau, QC: Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, 2010.
Williamson, Norman James. “The Lighthall Theory: Defining the Directive Cause.” Studies in Religion Vol. 12, no. 2 (Winter 1983): 191–197.
Williams, Helen E. Three Churches. Knowlton, QC: St. Paul’s Church, 1941.
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