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Gorr, Robbie. Yarm United Church Cemetery (Also Known As Yarm Methodist Church Cemetery & Hodgins Methodist Church Cemetery), Lot 7E, Range 8, Clarendon Township. Pembroke, ON: Upper Ottawa Valley Genealogical Group, 1992.
Parent, Carolyn, and Elane Wilson. Wills from 1840-1950 (approx.)/ Les testaments de 1840-1950 (approx.). Stanstead, QC: [s.n.], 1998.
Breton, Guy. ‘Waifs and Strays’: Home Children: Gibbs Home, Sherbrooke, Quebec; Knowlton Distributing Home, Knowlton, Quebec; Maria Rye’s Home, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario. Sherbrooke, QC: Société de généalogie des Cantons de l’Est, 1992.
Wilson, Elane. Vital Statistics From The Stanstead Journal, 1951-1958. Stanstead, QC: Stanstead Historical Society Archives/Archives de la Société historique de Stanstead, 1999.
Tremblay, Marc. “Urban English and Scottish Ancestors in the Regional Populations of the Province of Quebec (Canada).” Local Population Studies Vol. 97, no. 1 (Autumn 2016): 10–27.
Parkinson, Daniel B. Up To Rawdon: Settlers at Rawdon Township, Lower Canada c. 1820-1852. Their Origins and Continued Migration Across Canada and the United States. 2 vols. [S.l.]: Daniel B. Parkinson, 2013.
Tremblay, Sylvie. “Une famille irlandaise en Mauricie: Les Cooke.” Cap-aux-Diamants No. 59 (Automne 1999): 60.
Tremblay, Michel. “Une famille irlandaise à Québec au XIXe siècle: acquisitions et possessions.” Mémoires de la Société généalogique canadienne-française, Hiver 2024.
Shaffer-Levac, Marie-Paule. “Un autre ancêtre allemand.” Mémoires de la Société généalogique canadienne-française Vol. 49, no. 4 (Hiver 1998): 295–306.
Elliott, Bruce S. Two Cemeteries of Masham Township, Quebec: Lascelles Anglican [and] Old Cemetery, Rupert. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1973.
Bossé, Gilbert R. Twists & Turns of the Protestant Registers, 1795-1835. Metis, QC: G.R. Bossé, 1996.
Birch, Brenda Wilson. Trustee’s Book. Frelighsburg QC: B.W. Birch, 2004.
Broadhurst, Ralph Neil. Tombstone Inscriptions, Rawdon, Quebec. Calgary, AB: Kintracers, 1993.
MacKenzie, Betty McKay. Through the Mists of Time: A History of Weston, Walker, Evans, Elmes Families. St. Lambert, QC: B.M. MacKenzie, 1997.
Jowsey, Joan. Thomas Jowsey, His Descendants and Other Pioneer Families of Eardley Township. Aylmer, QC: J. Jowsey, 1981.
Gallop, Mark W. “Thomas and Ellen Castle : Bringing Ancestors out of the Shadows, with Four Plot Twists Along the Way. Part 1.” Connections: Journal of The Quebec Family History Society Vol. 41, no. 2 (February 2019): 13–16.
Young, Bernard. The Young & Allied Families of Missisquoi County, Quebec. Fairport, NY: B. Young, 1979.
Evans, Patrick M. O. The Wrights: A Genealogical Study of the First Settlers in Canada’s Capital Region. Revised Edition. Ottawa, ON: National Capital Commission, 1978.
McPhee, Cecil J. “The Wreck of the Brig Earl of Dalhousie.” Last modified 2008.
Pritchard, Alexa J., and Mary Gail Wilson. The Wilsons of Denholm - 1842: Pioneer Families of the Upper Gatineau. Ottawa, ON: A.J. Pritchard-Thomas, 1997.
Benazon, Michael. The Wandering Josephs: A Biographical Family History. Sherbrooke, QC: M. Benazon Publications, 1996.
Conner, Reg. The Vine and the Branches: History of Minton, Quebec. Minton, QC: R. Conner, 1989.
Matthews, Winona Lawrence. The Story of West Shefford (Bromont), 1792-1966: An Anecdotal History. Richmond, QC: W.L. Matthews, 1990.
Tuesdell, Carol, and Gary Schroder. The Sorel Anglican Cemetery, Sorel, Richelieu County, Quebec, Canada: Memorial Inscriptions. Pointe Claire, QC: Quebec Family History Society, 1995.
McKay, Joan, and Dolly Allen. The Shawville “Equity”: Birth, Marriage and Death Extracts. 4 vols. [S.l.]: Joan McKay & Dolly Allen, 2005.
DeMarce, Virginia Easley. The Settlement of Former German Auxiliary Troops in Canada after the American Revolution : A Monograph. Sparta, WI: J. Reisinger, 1984.
Griffith Paré, Lucy. The Seeds : The Life Story of a Matriarch. Ste-Lucie-des-Laurentides, QC: L’Arpent Perdu and the Alphonse and Lucy Griffith Paré Foundation, 1984.
Ellis, David J. The Schoolcraft Families of Schoharie, NY and Missisquoi County, QC. Londonderry, NH: D.J. Ellis, 2014.
Broadhurst, Ralph Neil. The Savage Family of Shefford. Calgary, AB: Kintracers, 1992.
Sadler, Warren Merton. The Sadlers of the Châteauguay Valley. Abbotsford, BC: Warren Merton Sadler, 2008.
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