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Egretaud, Henry. L’affaire Saint-Léonard. Montréal: Société d’éducation du Québec, 1970.
Dofny, Jacques. Les ingénieurs canadiens-français et canadiens-anglais à Montréal. Ottawa, ON: Information Canada, 1970.
Coriat, Annie. “Les interférences anglaises dans le français de Montréal : étude stylistique de la langue de la publicité.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1970.
Charbonneau, Hubert, Jacques Henripin, and Jacques Légaré. “L’avenir démographies des francophones au Québec et à Montréal en l’absence de politiques adéquates.” Revue de géographie de Montréal Vol. 24, no. 2 (1970): 199–202.
Grey, Julius. “The Paradox of Stanley Gray.” Canadian Dimension Vol. 6, no. 5 (November 1969): 6–9.
Carisse, Colete. “Orientations culturelles dans les mariages entre canadiens français et canadien anglais.” Sociologie et Sociétés Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mai 1969): 39–52.
Buller, Herman. “McGill University and an Aroused Quebec.” Canadian Jewish Outlook Vol. 7, no. 2 (May 1969): 8–11.
Rotstein, Abraham. “Les juifs montréalais à l’heure du choix.” Maintenant No. 85 (Avril 1969): 105–107.
Stock, Sandra. “On Being Young and English in Quebec.” Saturday Night, February 1969.
Roberts, Leslie. Montreal: From Mission City to World City. Toronto, ON: Macmillan of Canada, 1969.
Mendelsohn, Lillian E., and Sharon Ronald. “History of the Montreal Juvenile Court: An Historical Descriptive Study of the Development of the Montreal Juvenile Court, Later Known as the Social Welfare Court.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1969.
Lambert, Carmen. “Modéle d’organisation sociale de la communauté de Hudson Heights.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1969.
Issenman, Betty. “Attitudes of Welfare Voluntary Leadership of Two Minority Groups to Social Welfare Issues: A Study of Attitudes of the Officers of the Boards of the Federation of Catholic Charities and the Allied Jewish Community Services in Greater Montreal to Four Areas of Concern in Welfare.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1969.
Edwards, Mary Jane. “Fiction and Montreal, 1769-1885.” PhD dissertation, University of Toronto, 1969.
Cross, Dorothy Suzanne. “The Irish in Montreal, 1867-1896.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1969.
Cooper, John I. Montreal: A Brief History. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1969.
Cook, H. George. “Career Contingencies of English-Montreal Physicians.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1969.
Ares, Richard. “Comportement linguistique des groupes ethniques à Montréal.” Relations No. 336 (1969): 77–79.
“The Fictitious ‘Right’ to a Language of Instruction.” Canada Month Vol. 9, no. 8 (1969): 3–4.
Shea, Philip E. “Electoral Practices in Quebec, 1867-1882.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1968. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/-?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=147735&silo_library=GEN01.
Robert, Nicole Béliveau. “Appartenance religieuse et valeurs socio-économiques chez les ingénieurs canadiens-français et canadiens-anglais.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1968.
Rasporich, Anthony. “Imperial Sentiment in the Province of Canada during the Crimean War, 1854-1856.” In The Shield of Achilles: Aspects of Canada in the Victorian Age/Le Bouclier d’Achille: Regards Sur La Canada de l’ère Victorienne, edited by W. L. Morton, 139–168. Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart, 1968.
Parker, William H. “The Towns of Lower Canada in the 1830s.” In Urbanization and Its Problems: Essays in Honour of E.W. Gilbert, edited by R. P. Beckinsale and J. M. Houston, 391–425. Oxford, England: Blackwell, 1968.
Paquette, Michèle. “Étude comparative des orientations académiques et de la mobilité sociale chez les diplômés canadiens-français catholiques et canadiens-anglais protestants des deux universités montréalaises.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1968.
Opala, Beatrice Barbara. “Matthew Arnold in Canada.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1968.
Nyiti, Raphael Majala. “A Study Comparing Factors Associated with the Selection or Rejection of Teaching by English-Speaking Catholic and Protestant High School Students in the Montreal Area.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1968.
Meagher, Joan Elaine. “An Evaluative Assertion Analysis of the De Gaulle Issue in French Language and English Language Montreal Newspapers.” Master’s Thesis, Boston University, 1968.
Mayer, Robert. “Les ingénieurs-entrepreneurs canadiens-français et canadiens-anglais à Montréal.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1968.
Kattan, Naïm. “Jews and French Canadians.” In One Church, Two Nations?, edited by Philip LeBlanc and Arnold Edinborough, 104–115. Don Mills, ON: Longman Canada, 1968.
Burt, A. L. The Old Province of Quebec. 2 vols. Canadian Library Nos. 37 and 38. Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart, 1968.
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