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St-Onge, Audrey. “Mémoire culturelle et multiperspectivité dans l’enseignement du cours d’histoire du Québec et du Canada : L’exemple de la communauté d’expression anglaise des Cantons-de-l’Est.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Sherbrooke, 2020.
Shukrun, Roy Orel. “‘En Avant Sépharades Montréalais!’ North African Jews, Ashkenazim, and the Quiet Revolution 1956-1975.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 2020.
Sandilands, Marion. “English-Speaking Quebecers Care About the Official Languages Act – They Just Don’t Know It.” Canadian Diversity/Diversité canadienne, 2020.
Roman, Karolina. “Minority Publishing : The Case of Anglo-Québécois Literature.” McGill Undergraduate Journal of Canadian Studies Vol, 12 (2020): 10–24.
Pound, Richard W. “Constitutional Statesmanship: Lord Durham and the Creation of a New Colonial Paradigm, 1839–1841.” London Journal of Canadian Studies Vol. 35, no. 1 (2020): 119–137.
Moore, Lisa. “Civic Identities in Conflict: Montreal’s Anglophone and Francophone Private School Girls.” In Making the Best of It : Women and Girls of Canada and Newfoundland during the Second World War, edited by Sarah Glassford and Amy Shaw, 89–106. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press, 2020.
Mason, Emily. “Establishing Effective Representation and a Protected District for Anglophones in Brome-Missisquoi.” Master’s Thesis, Dalhousie University, 2020.
Martin-Laforge, Sylvia. “Toward Truly Equal Voice and Equitable Treatment: Quebec’s English-Speaking Minority Community and the Official Languages Act.” Canadian Diversity/Diversité canadienne, 2020.
Lemay, Clarence. “Chronique sportive ou politique? Le Canadien de Montréal et la crise constitutionnelle canadienne dans La Presse, Le Devoir et la Gazette (1976-1995).” Master’s Thesis, Université d’Ottawa, 2020.
Leggo, Angelina. “Local Irishness : Storytelling, Heritage, and Place Attachment in Douglastown, Québec.” Master’s Thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2020.
Johnston, David. “From Spicer to Théberge: 50 Years in the Life of the Relationship Between the Commissioner of Official Languages and the English-Speaking Communities of Quebec.” Canadian Diversity/Diversité canadienne, 2020.
Jedwab, Jack. “How Mixed Up Are English-Speaking Quebecers?” Canadian Diversity/Diversité canadienne, 2020.
Huston, Lorne, and Marie-Thérèse Lefebvre. George M. Brewer et le milieu culturel anglophone montréalais, 1900-1950. Québec, QC: Septentrion, 2020.
Fraser, Graham. “F.R. Scott and His Fight for the English Minority in Quebec.” Canadian Diversity/Diversité canadienne, 2020.
Cousineau, Hubert. “Mémoire seigneuriale et présence anglophone en Beauce : le fief de Cumberland Mills.” In Le régime seigneurial au Québec : fragments d’histoire et de mémoire, edited by Benoît Grenier, Alain Laberge, and Stéphanie Lanthier, 125–146. Sherbrooke QC: Les Éditions de l’Université de Sherbrooke, 2020.
Cooke, Nathalie. “Montreal in the Canadian Culinary Imagination.” In Canadian Culinary Imaginations, edited by Shelley Boyd and Dorothy Barenscott, 117–145. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2020.
Christie, Nancy. The Formal and Informal Politics of British Rule in Post-Conquest Quebec, 1760-1837 : A Northern Bastille. Oxford, England and New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2020.
Campeau-Devlin, Marianne, and Maria Popica. Représenter le Big Nous : approche collaborative interculturelle en classe de français langue seconde. Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC: Éditeur John Abbott College, 2020.
Bonin, Pierre-Olivier. “Relative Deprivation and Perceived Discrimination Among Quebec’s English-Speaking Minority Communities : ‘Second-Class Citizens’ in a Multi-National Context?” In Federalism and National Diversity in the 21st Century, edited by Alain-G. Gagnon and Arjun Tremblay, 241–268. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Bonin, Pierre-Olivier. “Linguistic Asymmetries, Relative Deprivation, Discrimination, Cosmopolitanism, and Localism Among Official Language Minorities : Three Studies on the Anglo-Quebecer and Franco-Ontarian Communities.” PhD dissertation, University of Toronto, 2020.
Vox Pop Labs Inc. Study on the Appreciation and Perception of Canada’s Two Official Languages Among Official Language Minority Communities. Gatineau, QC: Government of Canada - Canadian Heritage/Patrimoine canadien, 2019.
Roy, Sonya. “Une catégorie de chômeurs à part : Les cols blancs de Montréal, 1930-1935.” Labour / Le Travail Vol. 84 (Automne 2019): 107–140.
Cooper, Celine, Patrick Donovan, and Lorraine O’Donnell. Les québécois d’expression anglaise et la fonction publique du Québec. (Document de travail QUESCREN no. 1). Montréal: Université Concordia - Réseau de recherche sur les communautés québécoises de expression anglaise (QUESCREN), 2019.
Cooper, Celine, Patrick Donovan, and Lorraine O’Donnell. Employment of English Speakers in Quebec’s Public Service. (QUESCREN Working Paper No. 1). Montreal: Concordia University - Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network, 2019.
Robinson, Quinn. “Richler’s Version: The Mordecai Richler Affair and the Post-Meech Lake Tensions in Canada.” Strata: revue d’histoire des étudiants diplômés de l’Université d’Ottawa / Strata: University of Ottawa Graduate Student History Review Vol. 9 (August 2019): 53–93.
Giori, Pablo. “Quebecers and Québécois. Evolution and Changes in Identity and National Habitus in Quebec (1960-2016).” National Identities Vol. 21, no. 3 (July 2019): 267–285.
Zissis. “Jonathan Sewell, témoin du renouvellement des élites au Bas-Canada (1800-1825).” In Contraintes et adaptations dans l’espace québécois (XIX-XXI siècles) : actes des 23e et 24e colloques étudiants du CIRQ, edited by Nathalie Ricard and William Yoakim, 55–62. Québec: Centre interuniversitaire d’études québécoises (CIEQ), 2019.
Zanazanian, Paul. “Mobilizing Historical Consciousness for Concerted Social Action: English-Speaking Quebec’s Community Leaders and Their Quest for Group Vitality.” Canadian Ethnic Studies / Études ethniques au Canada Vol. 51, no. 1 (2019): 111–133.
Thom, Adam, and François Deschamps. “Les Ennemis français de la race anglaise” : Les lettres d’Adam Thom au gouverneur en chef des Canadas, 1836. Translated by Marie Caron. Québec: Septentrion, 2019.
Scrosati, Scott. “’La Fédération Impériale, Voilà Notre Ennemie’ : Honoré Mercier and Public Opinion on Imperial Federalism as Seen Through the Montreal Press, 1885-1893.” Master’s Thesis, Queen’s University, 2019.
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