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Sales Laterrière, Pierre de. Political and Historical Account of Lower Canada: With Remarks on the Present Situation of the People, as Regards Their Manners, Character, Religion, Etc. By a Canadian. London, England: W. Marsh and A. Miller, 1830.
Great Britain, House of Commons. Report from the Select Committee on the Civil Government of Canada. Quebec: Reprinted by Order of the House of Assembly of Lower Canada, 1829.
Chisholme, David. The Lower Canada Watchman. Kingston, ON: T. MacFarlane, printer, 1829.
Fleming, John. Political Annals of Lower Canada: Being a Review of the Political and Legislative History of That Province Under the Act of the Imperial Parliament, 3 Geo. III., Cap. 31, Which Established the House of Assembly and Legislative Council; Showing the Defects of This Constitutional Act and Particularly Its Practical Discouragement of British Colonization.. By a British Settler. Montreal: Office of the Montreal Herald and New Montreal Gazette, 1828.
An Anglo Canadian of Old Standing. An Address to the Electors of the City and County of Montreal. Montreal: Printed at the Gazette Office, 1827.
Maseres, Francis. A Draught of an Act of Parliament for Tolerating the Roman Catholick Religion in the Province of Quebec, and for Encouraging and Introducing the Protestant Religion into the Said Province, and for Vesting the Lands Belonging to Certain Religious Houses. London, England: [s.n.], 1772.
Norris, Alexander. “The New Anglo.” The Gazette. Montreal, June 29, 1999.
Clift, Dominique. “Montreal Star Survey on Language.” Montreal Star. [S.l.], March 27, 1976.
Rodgers, Guy. “The Role of the English Community in Quebec.” Last modified [n.d.].
Neatby, Hilda. “Servitude de l’église catholique : A Reconsideration.” The Canadian Catholic Historical Association Session 1969 (n.d.): 9–25.
Mus, Francis. “Les langues de Leonard Cohen.” TTR: traduction, terminologie, rédaction Vol. 26, no. 1 (1er semestre 2013): 103–122.
Lane-Mercier, Gillian. “Relire l’histoire de la traduction littéraire au Canada : d’une tradition de traduction à des amorces de traditions imprévisibles.” TTR: traduction, terminologie, rédaction Vol. 31, no. 2 (2e semestre 2018): 17–42.
Charron, Marc. “« Demain tout recommence » : Lord Durham’s Report en traduction.” TTR: traduction, terminologie, rédaction Vol. 10, no. 1 (1er semestre 1997): 101–136.
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