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Sack, Benjamin G. “A Suit at Law Involving the First Jewish Minister in Canada.” American Jewish Historical Society, Publications Vol. 31 (1928): 181–186.
Bentom, Clark. A Statement of Facts and Law, Relative to the Prosecution of the Rev. Clark Bentom, Protestant Missionary from the London Missionary Society, for the Assumption of the Office of a Dissenting Minister of the Gospel, in Quebec, by the King’s Attorney General of Lower Canada. Troy, NY: Printed for the author by O. Penniman & Co., 1804.
Riddell, William Renwick. “A Philadelphia Lawyer and Early Lower Canada Law.” The Canadian Historical Review Vol. 9, no. 1 (March 1928): 38–45.
Pilarczyk, Ian C. ‘A Nobel Roster’: One Hundred and Fifty Years of Law at McGill. Montreal: McGill University, Faculty of Law, 1999.
Scott, Frank R. A New Endeavour : Selected Political Essays, Letters, and Addresses. Edited by Michiel Horn. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 1986.
Ramos, Sandy. “‘A Most Detestable Crime’: Gender Identities and Sexual Violence in the District of Montreal, 1803-1843.” Journal of the Canadian Historical Association/Revue de la Société historique du Canada New Series Vol. 12 (2001): 27–48.
Alliance Quebec. “A Minority’s Plea for the Supremacy of the Charter.” In The Meech Lake Primer: Conflicting Views of the 1987 Constitutional Accord, edited by Michael D. Behiels, 225–231. Ottawa, ON: University of Ottawa Press, 1989.
Boatswain-Kyte, Alicia, Tonino Esposito, and Nico Trocmé. “A Longitudinal Jurisdictional Study of Black Children Reported to Child Protection Services in Quebec, Canada.” Children and Youth Services Review Vol. 116 (September 2020): 13 pages.
Prince, Ellen. “A History of the John Howard Society of Quebec, 1892-1955.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1956.
Fyson, Donald. “A Guide to Legislation in Pre-Confederation Quebec and Lower Canada.” In Class, Gender and the Law in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Quebec: Sources and Perspectives, edited by Donald Fyson, Colin M. Coates, and Kathryn Harvey, 5–27. Montreal: Montreal History Group, 1993.
A Few Remarks on the Meeting at Montreal for the Formation of an Association for the Promotion and Protection of the Educational Interests of Protestants in Lower Canada. Montreal: E. Sénécal, 1864.
Montreal Temperance Society. A Few Facts Bearing on the Social and Civil Character of Montreal. Montreal: J.C. Becket, 1880.
Burpee, Lawrence J. “A Family of Nation Builders. The Story of the Galts: Sir Alexander Galt, Financier and Father of Confederation.” Saturday Night, July 23, 1927.
Little, J. I. “A Crime ‘Shrouded in Mystery’: State, Church and Community in the Kinnear’s Mills Post Office Case, 1899-1905.” Histoire sociale/Social History Vol. 34, no. 67 (May 2001): 1–34.
Hobbins, A. J. “‘A Couple of Generations Ahead of Popular Demand’: The First National Law Program at McGill University, 1918-1924.” The Dalhousie Law Journal Vol. 31, no. 1 (Spring 2008): 181–210.
McGibbon, Robert D. A Complete Synopsis of the Great Pew Case: From the Institution to the Final Decree of the Supreme Court of Canada: James Johnston (Plaintiff), Appellant and the Minister and Trustees of St. Andrew’s Church, Montreal (Defendants) Respondents. Montreal: Dawson Brothers, 1877.
Van Die, Marguerite. “A ‘Christian Businessman’ in the Eastern Townships: The Convergence of Precept and Practice in Nineteenth-Century Evangelical Gender Construction.” Journal of the Canadian Historical Association/Revue de la Société historique du Canada New Series Vol. 10 (1999): 103–127.
Westreich, Daniel. “A Charter Group: The Political Behaviour, Identity and Constitutional Discourse of Anglophone Quebec, From Bill 22 to the Charlottetown Referendum, 1974-1992.” Master’s Thesis, Carleton University, 1996.
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