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Variation sociophonétique dialectale et stylistique: quelle est la langue cible en français langue seconde à Montréal ?
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Variation sociophonétique dialectale et stylistique: quelle est la langue cible en français langue seconde à Montréal ?
Abstract |
The author reminds readers that the variety of French spoken in Continental France has previously been considered the model for « le bon français », while the variety spoken in Quebec has been depicted as less prestigious. She notes that in second language teaching, these views have an impact on learners’ choices and perceptions of the target language. Many researchers have investigated these perceptions through a France–Quebec comparison. Using a matched-guise technique, the author investigates whether stylistic variation within a given dialect affects the reactions to Continental French and Quebec French in the same way that varieties do, for learners of French as a second language in Montreal. The participants (sixteen male and twenty-seven female immigrants) were asked to listen and react to native speakers of Paris and Montreal French varieties producing exactly the same linguistic content in two different situations, formal and informal. The author argues that the results showed that stylistic variation had a considerable impact on the participants’ perceptions and choices. Meanwhile, she also found that the data revealed an amalgam made between, firstly, formal language and European French and, secondly, colloquial language and Quebec French.
Publication |
Volume |
No. 7
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Date |
Décembre 2017
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Citation |
Guertin, Monelle. “Variation sociophonétique dialectale et stylistique: quelle est la langue cible en français langue seconde à Montréal ?” Arborescences No. 7 (Décembre 2017): 67–89.
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