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Gaumer, Benoît, and Alain Authier. “Différenciations spatiales et ethniques de la mortalité infantile : Québec, 1885-1971.” Annales de démographie historique (1996): 269–291.
Heller, Anita Fochs. “Differences Between a French and an English High School and Between the Educational and Occupational Aspirations of Their Working-Class Students.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1970.
Koestner, Richard, and Anne C. Holding. Did the Black Lives Matter Movement Help English-Speaking Black Young Adults in Quebec Recover from the Damaging Psychological Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic? [QUESCREN Working Paper no. 4]. Montreal: Concordia University - Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network, 2021.
Read, Anne. “Diaspora Nationalism in Montreal Jewish Day Schools.” Diaspora Studies Vol. 11, no. 1 (2018): 53–78.
Levy, Jonathan. “Deviance and Social Control Among Haredi Adolescent Males.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 2004.
Massot, Alain. “Destins scolaires des étudiants de secondaire V. Une analyse comparative des secteurs français et anglais.” Recherches sociographiques Vol. 20, no. 3 (September 1979): 383–401.
Adams, Annmarie, and David Theodore. “Designing for ‘the Little Convalescents’: Children’s Hospitals in Toronto and Montreal, 1875-2000.” Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin canadien d’histoire de la médecine Vol. 19, no. 1 (2002): 201–243.
Myers, Tamara. “Deserting Daughters: Runaways and the Red Light District of Montreal before 1945.” In Child Welfare and Social Action in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: International Perspectives, edited by Pat Starkey and Jon Lawrence, 15–35. Liverpool, England: University of Liverpool Press, 2001.
Bisson, Antonio, and Jacques Lavigne. “Départs et abandons scolaires au niveau secondaire selon la langue d’enseignement, Québec, 1972-1973 à 1977-1978.” Cahiers québécois de démographie Vol. 11, no. 2 (Août 1982): 167–193.
Pocock, Joanne. “Demographic Profile of the English-Speaking Communities.” Socio-Demographic Profiles by MRC. Last modified 2018.
Bell, Shannon, and Patrick Donovan. “Demographic Decline of English Speakers in Certain Regions of Quebec.” Research Brief no. 12. Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network (QUESCREN). Last modified June 2024.
Bilson, Geoffrey. Death Over Montreal. Toronto, ON: Kids Can Press, 1982.
Vieux-Fort, Karine, and Annie Pilote. “De la représentation au positionnement identitaire : étude de cas milieu scolaire anglophone à Québec.” In La construction identitaire des jeunes, edited by Nicole Gallant and Annie Pilote, 71–88. Regard sur la jeunesse du monde. Québec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2013.
Meintel, Deirdre, and Emmanuel Kahn. “De génération en génération : Identités et projets identitaires de Montréalais de la ‘deuxième génération.’” Ethnologies Vol. 27, no. 1 (2005): 131–163.
O’Hara, J. Martin, ed. Curiosity at the Centre of One’s Life: Statements and Questions of R. Eric O’Connor. Montreal: Thomas More Institute, 1987.
Stout, Dale, Claude Charpentier, Myriam Chiasson, and Emmalie Filion. “Culture, Language and Self-Assessments of Future Health : Anglophones and Francophones in Quebec’s Eastern Townships.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’études des Cantons-de-l’est No. 34 (2009): 7–30.
Maguire, Mary. “Cultural Stances Informing Storytelling Among Bilingual Children in Quebec.” Comparative Education Review Vol. 38, no. 1 (February 1994): 115–143.
Gagné, Philippe, and Maria Popica. “Cultural Mediation Pedagogy and Its Ability to Enable Bridge-Building Between Two Coexisting Groups That Do Not Meet.” In Strategies for Fostering Inclusive Classrooms in Higher Education : International Perspectives on Equity and Inclusion, edited by Jaimie Hoffman, Patrick Blessinger, and Mandla Makhanya, Chapter 3. Bingley, England: Emerald Publishing, 2019.
Lemerise, Suzanne, and Leah Sherman. “Cultural Factors in Art Education History: A Study of English and French Quebec, 1940-1980.” In Framing the Past: Essays on Art Education, edited by Don Soucy and Mary Ann Stankiewics, 183–200. Reston, VA: National Art Education Association, 1990.
Gavaki, Efie. “Cultural Changes in the Greek Family in Montreal: An Intra- and Inter-Generational Analysis.” Études helléniques/Hellenic Studies Vol. 1, no. 2 (Autumn 1983): 5–11.
Côté, Marie-France. “Cross-Linguistic Transfer of Literacy Skills Between English and French Among Grade 1 and 2 Elementary School Students Attending French Immersion Programs.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2018.
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Chan, Kwok Bun. “Coping with Aging and Managing Self-Identity: The Social World of the Elderly Chinese Women.” Canadian Ethnic Studies/Études ethniques au Canada Vol. 15, no. 3 (1983): 36–50.
Elliott, Kolene. “Conversations with Mrs. Murray and Beyond : A Hommage to Our Seniors.” B.A. thesis, Bishop’s University, 1997.
Auger, Nathalie, Alison L. Park, and Mark Daniel. “Contribution of Local Area Deprivation to Cultural-Linguistic Inequalities in Foetal Growth Restriction: Trends Over Time in a Canadian Metropolitan Centre.” Health Place Vol. 22 (July 2013): 38–47.
Varga, Donna. Constructing the Child: A History of Canadian Day Care. Toronto, ON: James Lorimer, 1997.
Laurenceau, Catherine Colle. “Conséquences linguistiques d’un transfert scolaire du français à l’anglais chez des enfants francophones de l’élémentaire : étude réalisée à partir d’un groupe d’enfants des villes de Montréal et de Québec.” Master’s Thesis, Université Laval, 1974.
Ethier, Alexandra, and Annie Carrier. “Conséquences des barrières que rencontrent les ainês d’expression anglaise pour avoir accès aux services sociaux et de santé.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies / Revue d’études des Cantons-de-l’Est No. 50 (2022): 29–51.
Belley, Marie-Claude. “Compassion et nécessité : la prise en charge des orphelins des émigrations de 1847 et 1848.” Cap-aux-Diamants No. 88 (Hiver 2007): 13–15.
Merry, William. “Comparison of Social-Economic Backgrounds of Vocational Students Taking Automobile Mechanics II in the French and English Sector on the Island of Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1988.
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