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Gauthier, Madeleine, and Mégane Girard. Caractéristiques générales des jeunes adultes de 25-35 ans au Québec. Québec: Conseil supérieur de la langue française, 2008.
Shea, James. “Canada’s Education Revolution in Its Second Generation: French Second-Language Education on the 40th Anniversary of the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism.” Canadian Issues/Thèmes canadiens (June 2003): 38–40.
Lerner, Eve. “Camp Arrowhead – A Social History.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’études des Cantons de l’Est No. 31 (Fall 2007): 45–69.
Donald, Ellen E. “Camp Amy Molson : A History of the Summer Camp of the Montreal Ladies’ Benevolent and Protestant Orphans’ Society.” Master’s Research Report, McGill University, 1970.
Myers, Tamara, and Mary Anne Poutanen. “Cadets, Curfews, and Compulsory Schooling: Mobilizing Anglophone Children in WWII Montreal.” Histoire sociale/Social History Vol. 38, no. 76 (November 2005): 367–398.
Crump, Alison. “‘But Your Face, It Looks like You’re English’: LangCrit and the Experiences of Multilingual Japanese-Canadian Children in Montreal.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2014.
Pocock, Joanne. “Building Youth Resiliency and Community Vitality within Montreal’s English Language Population: The YES Experience with Youth Seeking to Improve Their Work Situation.” Last modified April 2013.
Hirst, Elizabeth. Building on a Century of Caring: The Montreal Children’s Hospital, 1904-2004. Montreal: Price-Patterson, 2005.
Klein, Sharon. “Building from the Ground Up: The Key to Health and Well-Being in Schools.” LEARNing Landscapes Journal Vol. 10, no. 2 (Spring 2017): 17–22.
Graham, Sharon. “Building Canadian Jewish Citizens out of the Abandoned Children of Western Canada: The Winnipeg Jewish Orphanage, 1917-1948.” PhD dissertation, University of Manitoba, 2020.
Walsh, Molly. “Bringing Children and Books Together: The Montreal Children’s Library, 1919-Present.” Ex Libris News No. 18 (Autumn 1995): 9–11.
Committee for Anglophone Social Action (CASA); Council for Anglophone Magdalen Islanders (CAMI); Vision Gaspé-Percé Now. Bright Beginnings : Supporting English-Speaking Children and Families in the Gaspé and Magdalen Islands, 2017-2020. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2017.
Fitzpatrick, Tanya R. “Brain Fitness Activities and Health Among Older Female Senior Centre Participants in Montreal, Quebec.” Activities, Adaptation & Aging Vol. 34, no. 1 (2010): 30–47.
Provost, Kathy C. “Blunted Lives: Working Children in East-End Montreal, 1880-1890.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2006.
Waterston, Elizabeth Hillman. Blitzkrieg and Jitterbugs: College Life in Wartime, 1939-1942. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2012.
Derevensky, Jeffrey L., and Charles Lusthaus. “Black and Immigrant Children in Montreal: A Curricula Comparison” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Research Association, San Francisco, California, April 1976.
Villata, Bruno. Bilinguisme et problématique des langues ethniques : enquête sur le comportement linguistique des jeunes montréalais d’origine italienne. Québec: Centre international de recherche sur le bilinguisme/International Center for Research on Bilingualism, 1985.
Landry, Rodrigue, and Réal Allard. “Bilinguisme et construction identitaire d’élèves d’écoles de langue anglaise au Québec.” Minorités linguistiques et société / Linguistic Minorities and Society No. 7 (2016): 18–47.
Genesee, Fred. “Bilingual First Language Acquisition: Evidence from Montreal.” Diversité urbaine Hors série (Automne 2008): 9–26.
Genesee, Fred. “Bilingual Education: Social Psychological Consequences.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 1974.
Lambert, Wallace E., and G. Richard Tucker. Bilingual Education of Children: The St. Lambert Experiment. Rowley, MA: Newbury House, 1972.
Lambert, Wallace E., Fred Genesee, Naomi Holobow, and Louise Chartrand. “Bilingual Education for Majority English-Speaking Children.” European Journal of Psychology of Education Vol. 8, no. 1 (1993): 3–22.
Saint-Onge, Kathleen. Bilingual Being: My Life as a Hyphen. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013.
Holley, Paul. Best Practices in Community Engagement for the English-Speaking Youth Population in Quebec. Montreal: Y4Y Quebec, 2020.
Clark, Fiona. “Benefits Adults Attribute to Their Participation in a University Continuing Education Management Certificate Program.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1990.
Eid, Paul. Being Arab: Ethnic and Religious Identity Building Among Second Generation Youth in Montreal. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007.
Moore, Lisa. “Becoming a ‘Villa Girl’: Youth Culture and the Student Experience at a Single-Sex Private School in Montreal, 1916-1980.” Master’s thesis, Concordia University, 2014.
Stark, Julia. “Battle of the Books : Coaching an English High School Literacy Trivia Competition in Montreal, Quebec.” Education Libraries Vol. 41, no. 1 (2018): 1–7.
Trudel, Anne-Marie. Bâtir son avenir à l’École secondaire Pierrefonds de la Commission scolaire Baldwin-Cartier. Montréal: Conseil scolaire de l’île de Montréal, Service de planification, recherche et développement, 1997.
Nazneen, Roksana. “Bangladeshi Muslims in Montreal : A Case of Divided Loyalty.” International Journal of Sociology of the Family Vol. 31, no. 2 (Autumn 2005): 109–122.
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