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Richardson, A. J. H. “Captain John Savage and the Settlement of Shefford: From 1792 to 1801 (Part 2).” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’études des Cantons de l’Est No. 25 (Fall 2005): 45–78.
Richardson, A. J. H. “Captain John Savage and the Settlement of Shefford: From 1740 to 1793 (Part 1).” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’études des Cantons de l’Est No. 24 (Spring 2004): 5–29.
Liboy, Malanga-Georges. “Capital d’attraction et de rétention des immigrants pour la communauté anglophone des Cantons-de-l’Est.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies / Revue d’études des Cantons-de-l’Est No. 39 (Automne 2012): 73–88.
Millman, Thomas R. “Canon James Reid, D.D., Frelighsburg, 1815-1865.” Montreal Churchman Vol. 27, no. 9 (September 1939): 9.
Sojka, Eugenia. “Can(n)on Firing: ‘Fiction Theory’ and the Texts of English Canadian and Anglo-Québec Women Writers.” Critical Mass Vol. 3, no. 1 (Summer 1992): 30–48.
Terracini, Benedetto, Jack Siemiatycki, and Lesley Richardson. “Cancer Incidence and Risk Factors among Montreal Residents of Italian Origin.” International Journal of Epidemiology Vol. 19, no. 3 (1990): 491–497.
Jones, Laura. “Canadian Women Photographers 1841-1910.” Resources for Feminist Research/Documentation sur la recherche féministe Vol. 13, no. 4 (January 1984): 13–14.
Hobbins, Alan J. “Canadian Unity and Quebec in 1942: A Roundtable Discussion among John Humphrey, Hugh MacLennan and Émile Vaillancourt.” Fontanus Vol. 6 (1993): 119–141.
“Canadian Subscriptions to Great Britain’s War 1798-1802.” Public Archives of Canada, Report 1940 (1940): 23–97.
Riddell, William Renwick. “Canadian State Trials: The King v. David McLane.” Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada/Mémoire de la Société Royale du Canada Series 3, Vol. 10, no. Sect. 2 (1916): 321–337.
Helmes-Hayes, Richard. “Canadian Sociology’s First Textbook: C. A. Dawson and W. E. Gettys’s ‘An Introduction to Sociology’ (1929).” The Canadian Journal of Sociology / Cahiers canadiens de sociologie Vol. 19, no. 4 (Autumn 1994): 461–497.
McNally, Peter F. “Canadian Periodicals and Intellectual History: The Case of the McGill University Magazine/University Magazine, 1901-1920.” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada/Cahiers de la Société bibliographique du Canada Vol. 19 (1980): 69–78.
Little, J. I. “Canadian Pastoral: Promotional Images of British Colonization in Lower Canada’s Eastern Townships during the 1830s.” Journal of Historical Geography Vol. 29, no. 3 (April 2003): 189–211.
Bains, Yashdip Singh. “Canadian Newspaper Reviews of Frederick Brown.” Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’études canadiennes Vol. 20, no. 2 (Summer 1985): 150–158.
Godfrey, Donald. “Canadian Marconi: CFCF the Forgotten First.” Canadian Journal of Communications Vol. 8, no. 4 (September 1982): 56–71.
Godfrey, Donald G., and David R. Spencer. “Canadian Marconi: CFCF Television, From Signal Hill to the Canadian Television Network.” Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media Vol. 44, no. 3 (2000): 437–455.
Gerson, Carole. “Canadian Literature at Home and Abroad: International Contexts of W.D. Lighthall’s Songs of the Great Dominion (1889) and Robert Weaver’s Canadian Short Stories (1960).” Studies in Canadian Literature / Études en littérature canadienne Vol. 41, no. 2 (2016): 61–80.
Burpee, Lawrence J. “Canadian Libraries of Long Ago.” Bulletin of the American Library Association Vol. 2, no. 5 (September 1908): 136–143.
Brown, Michael. “Canadian Jewry: Challenges to a Growing Diaspora Community.” Jerusalem Letter: Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs No. 113 (April 20, 1990): 1–6.
Goldberg, David H. “Canadian Jewry: A Diaspora Community in Transition.” AVAR ve’ATID: A Journal of Jewish Education, Culture and Discourse (September 1996): 94–101.
Forsyth, Neil. “Canadian Dynasties. The Molsons: Brewing a Family Fortune.” Archivist Vol. 13, no. 2 (1986): 5–7.
Bilson, Geoffrey. “Canadian Doctors and the Cholera.” The Canadian Historical Association, Historical Papers Vol. 12 (1977): 104–119.
Hill, Colin. “Canadian Bookman and the Origins of Modern Realism in English-Canadian Fiction.” Canadian Literature : A Quarterly of Criticism and Review No. 195 (Winter 2007): 85–101.
Millman, Thomas R. “Canadian Anglican Journalism in the Nineteenth Century.” The Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society Vol. 3, no. 5 (March 1959): 1–19.
King, Bruce. “Canadian and New Zealand Jewish Writers : A Contrast Between Mordecai Richler and Charles Brasch.” Australian-Canadian Studies (La Trobe University, Australia) Vol. 1 (January 1983): 70–77.
Wright, Harold, and Michelle Hibler. “Canada’s Quarantine Islands.” Canadian Heritage Vol. 2, no. 3 (August 1985): 22–26.
Stevenson, Matthew. “Canada’s Other Brain Drain: The Continuing Exodus From Quebec.” Policy Options/Options politiques Vol. 21, no. 8 (October 2000): 63–66.
Joy, Richard J. “Canada’s Official-Language Populations, As Shown by the 1981 Census.” American Review of Canadian Studies Vol. 15, no. 1 (Spring 1985): 90–96.
De Vries, John. “Canada′s Official Language Communities: An Overview of the Current Demolinguistic Situation.” International Journal of the Sociology of Language Vol. 105-106, no. 1 (July 2009): 37–68.
Bourbeau, Robert. “Canada’s Language Transfer Phenomenon.” Language and Society No. 11 (Autumn 1983): 14–22.
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