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Hodgins, J. George. Sketch of Education in Upper and Lower Canada, 1864. Toronto, ON: [s.n.], 1864.
Dessaulles, Louis-A. Six lectures sur l’annexion du Canada aux États-Unis. Montréal: P. Gendron, 1851.
Ogilvy, Maud. “Sir J.J.C. Abbott.” In Men of the Day: A Canadian Portrait Gallery (Eleventh Series), edited by Louis-H. Taché, 160–176. Montreal: The Montreal Paper Mills Company, 1892.
Lighthall, W. D. Sights and Shrines of Montreal: A Topographical, Romantic and Historical Description of the City and Environs. Montreal: F.E. Grafton, 1892.
Thompson, F. C. “Sherbrooke, The Metropolis of the Eastern Townships.” In Sherbrooke City Directory for 1892-93, 13–22. Royer: J.-P., 1893.
Sherbrooke Illustrated: Containing a Brief Reference to Its Early Settlement, and More Fully to Its Admirable Location, Its Unrivalled Natural Water Power, Its Position as a Great Railway, Mineral and Agricultural Centre, ... Sherbrooke, QC: W.A. Morehouse, 1898.
Woodward, Jas. R. Sherbrooke Illustrated : Containing A Brief Reference to Its Early Settlement, and More Fully to Its Admirable Location : Its Unrivalled Natural Water Power ; Its Position as a Great Railway, Mineral and Agricultural Centre, Surrounded by a Beautifully Picturesque Country. Sherbrooke, QC: published under the auspices of the City Council and Board of Trade by W.A. Morehouse, 1898.
Fraser, Joshua. Shanty, Forest and River Life in the Backwoods of Canada. Montreal: John Lovell & Son, 1883.
“Settlement of the Townships of Lower Canada.” The Canadian Review and Literary and Historical Journal Vol. 1 (July 1824): 25–30.
Rev. Cook, John. Sermons Preached in St. Andrew’s Church, Quebec. Montreal: Dawson Brothers, 1888.
Sermons & Addresses Delivered at Jubilee of Erskine Church, Montreal, April 1883. Montreal: D. Bentley, 1883.
Anderson, William A. Sermon Preached by the Rev’d. Canon Anderson, Rector, in Christ Church, Sorel, on the 4th of July, 1884: Being the Centennial Anniversary of the Foundation of the Parish. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1884.
Montreal Board of Trade. Semi-Centennial Report: Sketches of the Growth of the City of Montreal from Its Foundation, Statistics of Progress and Report of the Council for 1892. Montreal: Gazette Printing Company, 1893.
Semi-Centennial Report of the Montreal Board of Trade: Sketches of the Growth of the City of Montreal from Its Foundation, Statistics of Progress and Report of the Council for the Year Ending 31st December 1892. Montreal: The Gazette Printing Company, 1893.
Whyte, J. K. Scrapbooks on Sports in Montreal. 8 vols. Montreal: [s.n.], 1869.
Rules and Regulations for the Guidance and Government of the Congregation of Catholics of Quebec Speaking the English Language. Quebec: Printed at the Colonist Office, 1856.
McKenzie, R. Tait. “Rugby Football in Canada.” The Dominion Illustrated Monthly, February 1892.
Stuart, Andrew. Review of the Proceedings of the Legislature of Lower Canada in the Session of 1831: With an Appendix Containing Some Important Documents, Now First Given to the Public. Montreal: Thomas A. Starke, 1832.
Viger, Jacques. Return of the Total Number of Interments at the Catholic and Protestant Burying Grounds and at the Common at Montreal. From the 12th of July, the Day on Which the First Death from Cholera Took Place, to the 29th of August 1834, Being a Period of Seven Weeks, Showing the Total of Each Week, and Distinguishing Between Children and Adults and Between Deaths from Cholera and from Other Diseases ... Montreal: [s.n.], 1834.
Têtu, Horace. Résumé historique de l’industrie et du commerce de Québec de 1775 à 1900. Québec: [s.n.], 1899.ésumé-historique-de-lindustrie-et-du-commerce-de-québec-de-1775-à-1900#page/1/mode/2up.
Patterson, William J. Reports on the Trade and Commerce of the City of Montreal. Compiled for the Board of Trade and the Corn Exchange Association. 7 vols. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1863.
Report on the State Trials Before a General Court Martial Held at Montreal in 1838-1839: Exhibiting a Complete History of the Late Rebellion in Lower Canada. 2 vols. Montreal: Armour & Ramsay, 1839.
Protestant Board of School Commissioners. Report of the Protestant Board of School Commissioners for the City of Montreal, 1847 to 1885. Montreal: McQueen & Corneil, Printers and Publishers, 1886.
Report of the Protestant Board of School Commissioners for the City of Montreal, 1847 to 1871. Montreal: Gazette Printing House, 1872.
Dawson, John William. Report of Higher Education of Women, Presented to the Corporation of McGill University, October 1884. Montreal: Corporation of McGill University, 1884.
Lachlan, Robert. “Report of a Meeting of the Friends and Admirers of Lord Metcalfe Held at Montreal on 1st February, 1847.” In The Age and Theology: An Address Delivered before the Society for Religious Inquiry of the University of Vermont, edited by Henry Wilkes, 15p. Burlington, VT: Tuttle and Stacy, 1850.
Great Britain, House of Commons. Report from the Select Committee on the Civil Government of Canada. Quebec: Reprinted by Order of the House of Assembly of Lower Canada, 1829.
Report : The Special Committee to Whom Was Referred the Message of His Excellency, the Governor in Chief, of the 8th February 1834, Relating to ... “An Act to Declare Persons Professing the Jewish Religion, Entitled to All the Rights and Privileges of the Other Subjects of His Majesty in This Province ...” Quebec: The Committee?, 1834.
Worthington, E. D. Reminiscences of Student Life and Pratice. Sherbrooke, QC: Printed for Sherbrooke Protestant Hospital by Walton & Co., 1897.
Mrs. MacPherson, Daniel. Reminiscences of Old Quebec. Subterranean Passages Under the Citadel - Account of the Old Convent of the Congregation of Notre Dame. That Doesn’t Now Exist. Prominent Old Quebecers, Etc., Etc. Montreal: John Lovell & Son, 1890.
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