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Tassé, Joseph. Philémon Wright, ou, colonisation et commerce de bois. Montréal: La Minerve, 1871.
Pharmacopõia of the Montreal General Hospital. 2nd edition. Montreal: Published by the Authority of the Medical Board, 1893.
Beers, William George. Over the Snow; Or The Montreal Carnival. Montreal: W. Drysdale & Co. and J. Theo Robinson, 1883.
Graham, John Hamilton. Outlines of the History of Freemasonry in the Province of Quebec. Montreal: John Lovell & Son, 1892.
Würtele, Frederick C. “Our Library: A Monograph.” Transactions of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec Vol. 19 (1889): 23–73.
Canadian Wheelmen’s Association. Our City and Our Sports: Souvenir and Official Programme of the 12th Annual Meet of the Canadian Wheelmen’s Association, Montreal, July 1894. Montreal: Montreal Bicycle Club, 1894.
Fleming, John C. Orangeism and the 12th of July Riots in Montreal; with the Letter of Sir Francis Hincks, as an Appendix. Montreal: Printed for the author, 1877.
Opening of the New Library: McGill University, Montreal. Containing the Addresses Delivered on the Occasion with a Description of the Building: Some Points in the History of the University: In Memoriam. October 31st, 1893. Montreal: Bishop Press, 1894.
Carpenter, Philip P. “On the Vital Statistics of Montreal.” The Canadian Naturalist and Geologist New Series, Vol. 3 (December 1866): 134–156.
St. George, Percival Walter. “On the Street and Footwalk Pavements of Montreal, Canada from Year 1842 to 1878.” Minutes of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Vol. 58, Part 4, no. 1879 (1879): 287–309.
Carpenter, Philip P. On the Relative Value of Human Life in Different Parts of Canada. Montreal: John Lovell, 1859.
Hall, Archibald. “On the Past, Present, and Future of the Faculty of Medicine of McGill University: An Introductory Lecture Delivered at the Opening of the Session 1866-67.” Canada Medical Journal and Monthly Record of Medical and Surgical Science Vol. 4 (1866): 289–302.
Kelly, William. “On the Medical Statistics of Lower Canada.” Transactions of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec Vol. 3 (1834): 193–221.
Rev. Constantine, I. (Isaac). On the Influence of American Ideas in the Anglican Church in the Diocese of Montreal: (With Other Matter). Montreal: Printed at the Montreal Gazette Office, 1870.
G. “On the Influence of a Well Regulated English Theatre in Montreal.” The Canadian Magazine and Literary Repository Vol. 1, no. 3 (September 1823): 221–226.
Dawson, John William. On Some Points in the History and Prospects of Protestant Education in Lower Canada. A Lecture Delivered by Principal Dawson Before the Association of Teachers in Connection with the McGill Normal School. Montreal: J.C. Becket, 1864.
Carpenter, P. P. “On Some of the Causes of the Excessive Mortality of Young Children in the City of Montreal.” Canadian Naturalist Vol. 4 (June 1869): 188–206.
Mrs. MacPherson, Daniel. Old Memories: Amusing and Historical; A Sequel to Reminiscences of Old Quebec. Montreal: Printed for the author, 1890.
Observations sur l’assemblée tenue à Montréal pour former une association dans le but de proteger les intérêts des Protestants dans l’instruction publique. Montréal: Imprimé par Eusèbe Senécal, 1865.
Dowd, Patrick. Objections and Remonstrances Against the Dismemberment of the Ancient Parish of Montreal, and the Proposed Erection of the Parish of St. James and St. Patrick’s Made at Meetings Held in September and November, 1866. Montreal: John Lovell, 1867.
“Nurses’ Life in the Montreal General Hospital.” The Dominion Illustrated Monthly Vol. 1, no. 9 (October 1892): 541–550.
Murphy, Edward. “Notes on the Positions Held in Montreal in the First Half of This Century by Americans.” Ottawa, ON, 1882.
White, Thomas. Newspapers, Their Development in the Province of Quebec. A Lecture Delivered by Mr. Thomas White, M.P. under the Auspices of the Young Men’s Christian Association of Montreal on the 5th November 1883. Montreal: [s.n.], 1883.
Miles, Henry H. “Nelson at Quebec: An Episode in the Life of the Great British Admiral.” Rose-Belford’s Canadian Monthly and National Review (March 1879): 257–275.
Smith, John. Narrative of the Shipwreck and Suffering of the Crew and Passengers of the English Brig Neptune, Which Was Wrecked in a Violent Snow Storm on the 12th of January, 1830, on Her Passage from Bristol (Eng.) to Quebec. New York, NY: Published by John Smith, 1830.
Narrative of the Proceedings of the St. Andrew’s Society of Montreal: From Its Formation on the 9th March, 1835 Until the 1st January, 1844; To Which Is Appended Lists of the Officers, Members and the Constitution of the Society. Montreal: J.C. Becket, 1855.
Wily, Thomas. Narrative of the Military Excursion of the Montreal Volunteer Militia Rifles to Portland, 18th and 19th August, 1858. Montreal: John Lovell, 1858.
Oxenden, Ashton. My First Year in Canada. London, England: Hatchards, 1871.
Deschamps, C. E. Municipalités et Paroisses Dans La Province de Québec/Municipalities and Parishes in the Province of Quebec. Québec: Impr. L. Brousseau, 1896.
A French Canadian. “Municipal Reform in Montreal.” The Canadian Magazine, March 1899.
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