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Ouellet, Fernand. “Papineau et la rivalité Québec-Montréal (1820-1840).” Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française Vol. 13, no. 3 (Décembre 1959): 311–327.
Sylvain, Robert. “Séjour mouvementé d’un révolutionnaire à Toronto et à Québec.” Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française Vol. 13, no. 2 (September 1959): 183–229.
Parker, W. H. “A New Look at Unrest in Lower Canada in the 1830s.” The Canadian Historical Review Vol. 11, no. 3 (September 1959): 209–217.
Mills, George Hampden Stanley. “Lord Elgin and the Montreal Press.” Blackwood’s Magazine Vol. 286, no. 1727 (September 1959): 236–246.
Graham, Charles. “Morgan’s: The Pace Setting Centenarian.” Executive Vol. 1 (July 1959): 18–24.
Brunet, Michel. “British Conquest: Canadian Social Scientists and the Fate of the Canadians.” The Canadian Historical Review Vol. 40, no. 2 (June 1959): 94–107.
Laurendeau, André. “The Astonishing Attitude of the English in Quebec.” Maclean’s Magazine, May 9, 1959.
Lefolii, Ken. “The Poet Who Outfought Duplessis.” Maclean’s, April 11, 1959.
Millman, Thomas R. “Canadian Anglican Journalism in the Nineteenth Century.” The Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society Vol. 3, no. 5 (March 1959): 1–19.
White, Walter Sydney. Pages From the History of Sorel, 1642-1958. Sorel, QC: The Author, 1959.
Vokey, Edward P. The 175th Anniversary History of the Parish of Christ Church, Sorel, Que. Sorel, QC: [s.n.], 1959.
Verdet, Paule. “Interethnic Problems of a Roman Catholic Parish: A French-Canadian Institution and Its Bilingual Membership.” PhD dissertation, University of Chicago, 1959.
Sissons, Charles Bruce. Church and State in Canadian Education: An Historical Study. Toronto, ON: Ryerson Press, 1959.
Roy, Antoine. “Les Patriotes de la région de Québec pendant la Rébellion de 1837-1838.” Les Cahiers des Dix No. 24 (1959): 241–254.
Parker, William H. “Quebec City in the 1830s.” In Mélanges Géographiques Canadiens Offerts à Raoul Blanchard, Membre de l’Académie Des Sciences Morales et Politiques, Doyen Honoraire de La Faculté Des Lettres de Grenoble, Professeur Invité Aux Universités de Montréal et Laval, 261–273. Québec: Presses Universitaires Laval, 1959.
Palnick, Elijah Ezekiel. “A.M. Klein: A Biographical Study.” Master’s Thesis, Hebrew Union College, Jewish Institute of Religion, 1959.
Newman, Peter C. Flame of Power: The Story of Canada’s Greatest Businessmen. Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart, 1959.
Mills, Audrey Winifred. “The Administration of Sir James Craig: A Study in Lower Canadian Politics, 1807-1811.” Master’s Thesis, Queen’s University, 1959.
MacFawn, V. G. “Presbyterian College, Montreal.” Student paper, School of Architecture, McGill University, 1959.
MacDermot, H. E. Christ Church Cathedral: A Century in Retrospect, 1859-1959. Montreal: Gazette Printing, 1959.
Loeb, Bernice Peritz. “The First Years of Medical Practice: A Study of the Initiation of Medical Practice by Fifty-Two Montreal Jewish Physicians Graduated Since 1940.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1959.
Liff, Joe. “Sir Andrew T. Taylor: Work at McGill University.” Research paper, School of Architecture, McGill University, 1959.
Latour, Georges. “Opinion éditoriale et sécurité sociale : étude des articles, en regard de la sécurité sociale, publiés dans les pages éditoriales de quatre quotidiens montréalais : Le Devoir, La Presse, The Montreal Star, The Gazette, pendant...1956-1957.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1959.
Hamelin, Jean, Jacques Letarte, and Marcel Hamelin. “Les élections provinciales dans le Québec.” Cahiers de géographie de Québec Vol. 4, no. 7 (1959): 5–207.
Groupe de recherches sociales. La situation des immigrants à Montréal : étude sur l’adaptation occupationnelle, les conditions résidentielles et les relations sociales. Montréal: Conseil des oeuvres de Montréal, 1959.
Goldbloom, Alton. Small Patients: The Autobiography of a Children’s Doctor. Toronto: Longsman, Green, 1959.
Garigue, Philippe. “L’entreprise industrielle privée dans la Province de Québec.” Culture Vol. 20 (1959): 149–159.
Finley, Eric Gault. “The Bi-Religious Basis of Quebec’s Public School System: Its Origins and Subsequent Development.” PhD dissertation, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1959.
Dornbusch, C. E. The Canadian Army 1855-1958: Regimental Histories and a Guide to the Regiments. Cornwallville, NY: Hope Farm Press, 1959.
Craick, William Arnot. A History of Canadian Journalism. Vol. II: Last Years of the Canadian Press Association, 1908-1919, with a Continuing Record of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association, 1919-1959. Toronto, ON: The Ontario Publishing Company, 1959.
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