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6 resources
Blair, Louisa, Patrick Donovan, and Donald Fyson. Iron Bars and Bookshelves: A History of the Morrin Centre. Montreal: Baraka Books, 2016.
Croteau, Jean-Philippe. “La question de la taxe scolaire à Montréal au XIXe siècle (1870-1903) : un nouveau regard sur l’intégration sociale des Juifs.” Canadian Ethnic Studies/Études ethniques au Canada Vol. 41, no. 1–2 (2009): 1–28.
Ménard, Sylvie. “Les églises et la prise en charge de l’enfance au Québec : le cas des institutions d’enfermement pour les jeunes délinquants ou en danger (1858-1950).” Études d’histoire religieuse/Historical Studies Vol. 69 (2003): 69–82.
Rev. Dr. Eddis, Charles W. “Angus Cameron and the High Hope of Adventure.” Vol. Occasional paper # 22. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2001.
Mackay, Murdo. “The Language Problem and School Board Reform on the Island of Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1987.
Assels, Margaret E. “Changing Attitudes of Catholic and Protestant Christians to the State, as Reflected in the History of the Educational System in Quebec.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1972.