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21 resources
St-Onge, Audrey, Jody Robinson, and Fabian Will. Quebec’s Eastern Townships : A Brief History of Its Peoples, Politics and Economy. Sherbrooke QC: Eastern Townships Resource Centre, 2019.
Bennett, Margaret. “From the Outer Hebrides to the Eastern Townships of Canada in the Nineteenth Century.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies / Revue d’études des Cantons-de-l’Est No. 46 (Spring 2016): 143–164.
Bechervaise, Lynden. “Le rôle et l’influence de la Gaspésie anglophone.” Magazine Gaspésie, March 2014.
Little, J. I. “West Coast Exile: A Scottish-Canadian Bard in the United States at the Turn of the Twentieth Century.” International Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue internationale d’études canadiennes Vol. 44, no. 2 (2011): 119–133.
Poulter, Gillian. Becoming Native in a Foreign Land: Sport, Visual Culture and Identity in Montreal, 1840-1885. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press, 2009.
Bouchard, Lydia. “Les paysages québécois de William Brymner : expérience de la nature comme lieu identitaire canadien au tournant du XXe siècle.” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2009.
Turcotte, Louis. “Les conflits entre policiers et citoyens à Québec, 1870-1900.” Master’s thesis, Université Laval, 2007.
Leitch, Gillian I. “The Importance of Being English?: Identity and Social Organisation in British Montreal, 1800-1850.” PhD dissertation, Université de Montréal, 2007.
Gibson, Sarah Katherine. “The Emigration of Adam Smith’s Ploughman: A Case Study of the Intellectual Culture of Scots Emigrants to Lower Canada, 1760-1850.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2007.
Boileau, Roger. “L’Église et le sport au Québec à la lumière du concept d’acculturation.” PhD dissertation, Université Laval, 2007.
Pierce, Alexandria. “Imperialist Intent - Colonial Response: The Art Collection and Cultural Milieu of Lord Strathcona in Nineteenth-Century Montreal.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2002.
Tremblay, André. “La construction navale à Québec au XIXème siècle : un point de vue organisationnel.” Recherches sociographiques Vol. 37, no. 1 (1996): 69–76.
Bennett, Margaret. “Hebridean Traditions of the Eastern Townships of Quebec : A Study in Cultural Identity.” PhD dissertation, University of Edinburgh, 1994.
Kish, Albert. Notman’s World. Documentary. National Film Board of Canada, 1989.
Bischoff, Peter. “La formation des traditions de solidarité ouvrière chez les mouleurs montréalais : la longue marche vers le syndicalisme (1859-1881).” Labour/Le Travail Vol. 21 (Printemps 1988): 9–42.
Reinblatt, Lillian. “Political Economy and Community: A Study of Montreal West.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 1986.
Hiess, Arthur. “St. Jean, Quebec, 1871: A Socio-Economic Profile.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 1975.
Marion, Séraphin. “Les Orangistes au Canada.” Les Cahiers des Dix Vol. 33 (1971): 79–125.
Hill, Robert. “Robert Sellar and the Huntingdon Gleaner: The Conscience of Rural Protestant Quebec, 1863-1919.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 1970.
MacDougall, Alexander Goodwill. “The Presbyterian Church in the Presbytery of Quebec 1875-1925.” Master’s thesis, McGill University, 1960.
Chisholme, David. The Lower Canada Watchman. Kingston, ON: T. MacFarlane, printer, 1829.