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Cartwright, Donald G. Accommodation Among the Anglophone Minority in Quebec to Official Language Policy: A Shift in Traditional Patterns of Language Contact. Ottawa, ON: Centre for Research on Ethnic Minorities, Carleton University, 1986.
Villata, Bruno. Bilinguisme et problématique des langues ethniques : enquête sur le comportement linguistique des jeunes montréalais d’origine italienne. Québec: Centre international de recherche sur le bilinguisme/International Center for Research on Bilingualism, 1985.
O’Gallagher, Marianna. Grosse Ile: Gateway to Canada 1832-1937. Quebec: Carraig Books, 1984.
McIntosh, Dave. The Seasons Of My Youth. Toronto, ON: General Publishing, 1984.
Deshaies, Denise, and Josiane F. Hamers. Les echanges inter-culturels en milieu scolaire : leurs effets sur certains aspects socio-psychologiques : synthese d’etudes exploratoires. Montréal: Ministère de l’éducation du Québec, 1984.
Caldwell, Gary, and Paule Obermeir. Out-Migration of 1971 English Mother-Tongue High School Leavers from Quebec: Eleven Years After. Lennoxville, QC: Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture, in cooperation with Anglo-Québec en Mutation, 1984.
Moscovitch, Allan. The Welfare State in Canada: A Selected Bibliography, 1840 to 1978. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1983.
Adiv, Ellen, and Francine Doré. A Comparative Study of the Extra-Curricular Use of French and English by Anglophone and Ethnic Minority Students Schooled in French. Montreal: Protestant School Board of Greater Montreal, Instructional Services Department, 1982.
Pupier, Paul. L’acquisition simultanée du française et de l’anglais chez des petits enfants de Montréal. Québec: Gouvernement du Québec, Office de la langue française, 1982.
Monnier, Daniel, Françoise Morin, and Gilles Sénéchal. La situation linguistique et culturelle de l’Outaouais. Québec: Conseil de la langue française, 1982.
Bilson, Geoffrey. Death Over Montreal. Toronto, ON: Kids Can Press, 1982.
O’Gallagher, Marianna. Saint Brigid’s, Quebec: The Irish Care For Their People, 1856 to 1981. Quebec: Carraig Books, 1981.
Caldwell, Gary. Those Who Stayed: How They Managed: Interviews with 110 of the AQEM Out-Migration Sample (N: 975) Who Stayed in Quebec. Lennoxville, QC: Anglo-Québec en Mutation, 1981.
Bombas, Leonidas C. Greek Immigrant Children in Montreal’s Public Schools: A Descriptive Research. Montreal: Hellenic Psychological and Pedagogical Institute, 1981.
Mason, Melbourne, and Thérèse Mason, eds. Inquiry and Attunement: Five Interviews About Adult Learning with Directors of the Thomas More Institute of Montreal. Montreal: Thomas More Institute, 1981.
Horwich, Herbert. Drop-Out or Stay-In?: The Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting the Option. Québec & Montréal: Faculté des sciences de l’éducation, Université Laval & Département de sociologie, Université de Montréal, 1980.
Cartwright, Donald G. Official Language Populations in Canada: Patterns and Contacts. Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1980.
Caldwell, Gary, and Paule Obermeir. Out-Migration of 1971 English Mother-Tongue High School Leavers from Quebec, 1971-1979. Lennoxville, Que: Anglo-Québec en Mutation, 1980.
Scriver, Jessie Boyd. The Montreal Children’s Hospital : Years of Growth. Montreal: Published for the Montreal Children’s Hospital by McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1979.
Milner, Elizabeth Hearn. The History of King’s Hall, Compton, 1874-1972. Lennoxville, QC: Secretary of the B.C.S. Alumni Association, 1979.
Caldwell, Gary. Out-Migration of English Mother-Tongue High School Leavers from Quebec, 1971-1976. Lennoxville, QC: Anglo-Québec en Mutation, 1978.
Girls’ Cottage School, Inc., and Québec (Province). Ministère des affaires sociales. Conseil régional des services sociaux et de la santé, région O6C (St. Bruno de Montarville). A Plan for a Continuum of Services for Socially Disturbed Anglophone Youth, Region O6C / Projet Visant à l’organisation d’un Réseau de Services Homogènes et Continus Pour Les Enfants Anglophones Mesadaptes Sociaux-Affectifs de La Région O6C. St. Bruno, QC: Girls’ Cottage School, Inc., 1976.
MacNamara, John Theodore, and John R. Edwards. Attitudes to Learning French in the English-Speaking Schools of Quebec : Study Prepared for the Commission of Inquiry on the Position of the French Language and on Language Rights in Quebec. Quebec: The Québec Official Publisher, 1973.
Bruck, Margaret, Wallace E. Lambert, and G. Richard Tucker. Cognitive and Attitudinal Consequences of Bilingual Schooling: The St. Lambert Project Through Grade Six. Montreal: McGill University, 1973.
Lambert, Wallace E., and G. Richard Tucker. Bilingual Education of Children: The St. Lambert Experiment. Rowley, MA: Newbury House, 1972.
Stewart, Phoebe Noel. The History of the Montreal Children’s Library, 1929-1964. Montreal: [s.n.], 1971.
Looking Ahead - Montreal’s Aging: Their Needs and Services. An Assessment of the Needs of Older People in Montreal and of the Community Services Available or Needed, with Special Attention to the English-Speaking Catholic Aged. Montreal: Prepared for a Joint Committee of the Federation of Catholic Charities and the Father Dowd Memorial Home, 1967.
Rosenberg, Louis. The Number, Age & Sex Distribution & Marital Status of Jews 60 Years of Age & Over in the Metropolitan Census Area of Montreal and in the Larger Municipal Areas within Metropolitan Montreal in 1961. Series A, no. 6. Montreal: Bureau of Social and Economic Research, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1966.
Rosenberg, Louis. A Preliminary Study of the Number of Jewish Children of Elementary School Age and Jewish Teenagers in Canada and Its Larger Jewish Communities. Montreal: Bureau of Social and Economic Research, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1966.
Obrart, Ephraim F. Selected Characteristics of Population Aged 55 Years and Older: City of Verdun. Montreal: Research Department, Montreal Council of Social Agencies, 1966.
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