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Brym, Robert J., Keith Neuman, and Rhonda L. Lenton. “2018 Survey of Jews in Canada: Executive Summary.” In American Jewish Year Book 2019 : The Annual Record of the North American Jewish Communities Since 1899, edited by Arnold Dashefsky and Ira M. Sheskin, 119:247–261. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2020.
Buckner, Phillip A. “The Canadian Civil Wars of 1837–1838.” London Journal of Canadian Studies Vol. 35, no. 1 (2020): 96–118. https://www.scienceopen.com/document?vid=92d9e8e2-1509-4ac7-91fd-626d9ca126c6.
Campeau-Devlin, Marianne, and Maria Popica. Représenter le Big Nous : approche collaborative interculturelle en classe de français langue seconde. Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC: Éditeur John Abbott College, 2020. https://numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/52327/4077607.
Castonguay, Charles. Le français en chute libre : la nouvelle dynamique des langues au Québec. Montréal: Mouvement Québec français, 2020.
Celemencki, Jacqueline Marissa. “Interrogating Race : Black Youth and Education in Montreal.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2020. https://escholarship.mcgill.ca/concern/theses/vd66w420x?locale=en.
Chanco, Christopher. “Refugees, Humanitarian Internationalism, and the Jewish Labour Committee of Canada 1945–1952.” Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes Vol. 30 (2020): 12–40. https://cjs.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/cjs/article/view/40182/36422.
Christie, Nancy. The Formal and Informal Politics of British Rule in Post-Conquest Quebec, 1760-1837 : A Northern Bastille. Oxford, England and New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2020.
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Cohen, Yolande. “Enclaves ethniques et stratégies résidentielles des Juifs à Toronto et Montréal.” Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes Vol. 30 (2020): 84–114.
Collin, Johanne. Nouvelle ordonnance : quatre siècles d’histoire de la pharmacie au Québec. Montréal: Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2020.
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Dietze, Antje. “A Middleman’s Process : Booking and Managing Musical Theater Venues in Montreal from the 1880s to the First World War.” Journal of Urban History Vol. 47 (2020).
Durou, Guillaume. “’Contre tous les youpins du monde’ : la ville de Québec au temps de l’antisémitisme (1890–1914).” Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes Vol. 30 (2020): 42–66. https://cjs.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/cjs/article/view/40183/36352.
Ethier, Alexandra. “’I don’t think that’s the way healthcare for an 85 and an 88-year-old should be done.’ : L’accès aux services de santé et aux services sociaux des aînés anglophones vivant hors Montréal : état de la situation.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Sherbrooke, 2020. https://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/bitstream/handle/11143/17863/Ethier_Alexandra_MA_2020.pdf?sequence=6&isAllowed=y.
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Farges, Patrick. “Transnational Yekkishkeit from a Canadian Perspective.” In Refugees from Nazi-Occupied Europe in British Overseas Territories, edited by Swen Steinberg and Anthony Grenville, 21–45. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill Rodopi, 2020.
Fletcher, Raquel. Who Belongs in Quebec? Identity Politics in a Changing Society. Montreal: Linda Leith Publishing, 2020.
Fortin, Josiane. “Le rôle des femmes dans le développement des pratiques chorégraphiques expérimentales à Montréal dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle.” Études canadiennes / Canadian Studies Vol. 88 (2020): 269–299. https://journals.openedition.org/eccs/3738#tocto1n5.
Fraser, Graham. “F.R. Scott and His Fight for the English Minority in Quebec.” Canadian Diversity/Diversité canadienne, 2020. https://acs-metropolis.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/canadiandiversity-vol17-no1-2020-zyknm.pdf.
Geoffroy, Martin, Dominic Dagenais, and Susan J. Palmer. “New Religious Studies in Quebec Since 1944 : A Literature Review.” In The Mystical Geography of Quebec : Catholic Schisms and New Religious Movements, edited by Susan J. Palmer, Martin Geoffroy, and Paul L. Gareau, 23–52. [Palgrave Studies in New Religions and Alternative Spiritualities]. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Graham, Sharon. “Building Canadian Jewish Citizens out of the Abandoned Children of Western Canada: The Winnipeg Jewish Orphanage, 1917-1948.” PhD dissertation, University of Manitoba, 2020. https://mspace.lib.umanitoba.ca/bitstream/handle/1993/34589/Sharon_Graham.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y.
Hampton, Rosalind. Black Racialization and Resistance at an Elite University. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2020.
Harvey, Janice. “Former des citoyens protestants : l’approche originale de la Boys’ Home of Montreal (1871-1908).” In Question sociale et citoyenneté : La dimension politique des régulations sociales (XIXe-XXIe siècles), edited by Martin Petitclerc, Louise Bienvenue, David Niget, Martin Robert, and Cory Verbauwhede, 43–62. Montréal: Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2020.
Hébert, Virginie. “Clé d’ouverture sur le monde ou langue de Lord Durham? Analyse de cadrage du débat public sur l’enseignement intensif de l’anglais, langue seconde, au Québec.” PhD dissertation, Université Laval, 2020. https://corpus.ulaval.ca/server/api/core/bitstreams/612647c9-63fa-4811-b132-da03803a4d91/content.
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