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Fougères, Dany, and Roderick MacLeod, eds. Montreal: The History of a North American City. 2 vols. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017.
Anctil, Pierre. “La bibliothèque publique juive de Montréal.” In Bibliothèques québécoises remarquables, edited by Claude Corbo, 173–183. Montréal: Del Busso, 2017.
Barlow, Matthew. Griffintown: Identity and Memory in an Irish Diaspora Neighbourhood. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia Press, 2017.
Bellevue, Doug. Montreal’s Golden Square Mile : A Neighborhood. Montreal? Self-published, 2017.
Clark, Elisabeth, Sue Hughes, and France Poulin. Frelighsburg, 1900-2017 : La vie commerciale d’hier à aujourd’hui / Commercial Life Then and Now. Frelighburg, QC: Société d’histoire et de patrimoine de Frelighburg, 2017.
Dagenais, Michèle. “Gouverner Montréal, gouverner les Montréalais : taxation de l’eau et qualification électorale, 1860-1920.” In Pouvoir et territoire au Québec depuis 1850, edited by Harold Bérubé and Stéphane Savard, 61–89. Québec: Septentrion, 2017.
Dagenais, Michèle. Montreal, City of Water: An Environmental History. Translated by Peter Felstein. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press, 2017.
Klinkhoff, Alan. John Little : City Life from 1951. Montreal: Alan Klinkhoff Gallery, 2017.
MacLeod, G. Scott. Griffintown Tour: The Death and Life of Griffintown: 21 Stories, 2017.
MacLeod, Roderick. “Montreal’s Old Cemeteries.” In Montreal : The History of a North American City, edited by Dany Fougères and Roderick MacLeod, 1:374–379. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017.
Traves, Samantha. “Social Networks, Identity, and Access: Immigrants in Québec.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 2017.
Committee for Anglophone Social Action (CASA); Council for Anglophone Magdalen Islanders (CAMI); Vision Gaspé-Percé Now. Bright Beginnings : Supporting English-Speaking Children and Families in the Gaspé and Magdalen Islands, 2017-2020. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2017.
Home-Douglas, Pierre. “Montreal’s Griffintown Reborn.” Canada’s History, May 2017.
Rudy, Jarrett, Nicolas Kenny, and Magda Fahrni. “‘An Ocean of Noise’: H.E. Reilley and the Making of a Legitimate Social Problem, 1911–45.” Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d’études canadiennes Vol. 51, no. 2 (Spring 2017): 261–288.
Coupal-Jetté, Charles. “Alexander Tilloch Galt, d’homme d’affaires à Sherbrooke à père de la Confédération canadienne.” Instantanés : La vitrine des archives de BAnQ, juin 2017.
Breslaw, Caroline. “T.C. Bulmer: A Father of Westmount.” The Westmount Historian, September 2017.
High, Steven. “Little Burgundy : The Interwoven Histories of Race, Residence, and Work in Twentieth-Century Montreal.” Urban History Review / Revue d’histoire urbaine Vol. 46, no. 1 (Fall 2017): 23–44.
Hataley, Todd, and Scott J. Mason. “Collective Efficacy Across Borders : The Case of Stanstead, Quebec and Derby Line, Vermont.” Journal of Borderlands Studies Vol. 33, no. 3 (2018): 433–444.
Lamer, Marilyne. “De l’étranger à l’étrangeté : cosmopolitisme et altérité dans « Alexandre Chenevert » de Gabrielle Roy, « Rue Saint-Urbain » de Mordecai Richler et « L’Hiver de force » de Réjean Ducharme.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2018.
Lucia, Emanuele. “Les jeunes âgés de 16 à 25 ans issus des communautés anglophones du Bas-Saint-Laurent : représentations et sentiment d’appartenance.” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec/INRS Urbanisation, Culture et Société, 2018.
National Famine Museum at Strokestown Park, Ireland; and Irish Heritage Trust. “Great Famine Voices Roadshow Montreal.” Documentary. Great Famine Voices Roadshow. Last modified 2018.
Steinberg, Tanya. “Place, Community and Memory in Postindustrial Pointe-Saint-Charles.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2018.
Frost, Harris. “‘Towards a Working Ideology’: Left-Wing Thought within the NCC.” Quebec Heritage News Vol. 12, no. 1 (Winter 2018): 22–23.
High, Steven. “Remembering the Negro Community Centre: An Introduction.” Quebec Heritage News, Winter 2018.
Matheson, Chelsea. “Tackling Racism in Montreal’s Education System: The NCC and the QBBE’s Advocacy for Black Students.” Quebec Heritage News Vol. 12, no. 1 (Winter 2018): 11–12.
Schwartz, Stephanie Tara. “The Challenge of Jewish Difference in Québec.” Journal of Jewish Identities Vol. 11, no. 1 (January 2018): 33–54.
Caron, Matthieu. “Taming the Jungle in the City: Uprooting Trees, Bushes, and Disorder from Mount Royal Park.” Urban History Review / Revue d’histoire urbaine Vol. 47, no. 1–2 (Fall , Spring 2019 2018): 39–53.
Vickers, Simon. “From Balconville to Condoville, but Where Is Co-Opville? Neighbourhood Activism in 1980s Pointe-Saint-Charles.” Labour / Le Travail No. 81 (Spring 2018): 159–186.
Wilkins, Robert N. “Montreal’s Stanley Street.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2018.
Nantel, Sarah. “Shalom Montreal: Stories and Contributions of the Jewish Community, McCord Museum.” Archivaria: The Journal of the Association of Canadian Archivists No. 86 (Fall 2018): 192–197.
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