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Donovan, Patrick. “Le rôle des institutions charitables et religieuses dans la construction identitaire irlandaise à Québec : le cas du Saint Bridget’s Asylum Association, 1856-1906.” Cahiers de l’ÉDIQ Vol. 3, no. 2 (2016): 23–36.
Croteau, Jean-Philippe. Les commissions scolaires montréalaises et torontoises et les immigrants (1875-1960). Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2016.
Côté, Benoît, Patricia Lamarre, and Andry Nirina Razakamanana. “Option-études Châteauguay: Bilan de l’impact à moyen terme d’un programme de scolarisation commune d’élèves du secteur francophone et du secteur anglophone, sur les rapports intercommunautaires et l’identité.” Minorités linguistiques et société / Linguistic Minorities and Society Vol. 7 (2016): 170–194.
Community Health and Social Services Network. “Poverty and Social Exclusion in Quebec – Quebec’s English-Speaking Communities.” Last modified 2016.
CIUSSS de l’Estrie – Chus. Responding Better to the Needs of Linguistic and Cultural Communities in the Estrie. Sherbrooke, QC: Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Estrie – Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke, 2016.
Shahar, Charles. 2011 National Household Survey: The Jewish Community of Montreal. Part 10: Holocaust Survivors. Montreal: Federation CJA and Jewish Federations of Canada-UIA, 2015.
Roquigny, Peggy. “La danse pour tout un chacun : pratiques différenciées d’un loisir commercial à Montréal pendant l’entre-deux-guerres.” Mens: Revue d’histoire intellectuelle et culturelle Vol. 16, no. 1 (automne 2015): 21–61.
Hunting, Rachel. “Collective Impact in Progress: Collaborative Approaches to Addressing Minority Language Community Vitality in the Eastern Townships.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’etudes des Cantons de l’Est No. 45 (Fall 2015): 71–84.
Pocock, Joanne. Socio-Demographic Profile of the English-Speaking Community of the Historical Eastern Townships: 2011 Census of Canada and National Household Survey: Place of Birth and Mobility. Edited by Rachel Hunting. Lennoxville, QC: Townshippers’ Association, 2015.
Auger, Nathalie, Mark Daniel, Laust Mortensen, Clarisse Toa-Lou, and André Costopoulos. “Stillbirth in an Anglophone Minority of Canada.” International Journal of Public Health Vol. 60, no. 3 (March 2015): 353–362.
Zanazanian, Paul. “Historical Consciousness and Being Québécois: Exploring Young English-Speaking Students’ Interactions with Quebec’s Master Historical Narrative.” Canadian Ethnic Studies / Études ethniques au Canada Vol. 47, no. 2 (2015): 113–135.
Magnan, Marie-Odile, Véronique Grenier, and Fahimeh Darchinian. “Stratégies d’orientation et d’insertion professionnelle des jeunes issus de l’immigration à Montréal : motifs de choix des institutions postsecondaires anglophones et francophones.” Canadian Journal of Sociology/Cahiers canadiens de sociologie Vol. 40, no. 4 (2015): 501–525.
Larivière, Virginie. “Enseignement de l’imparfait et du passé composé en français langue seconde chez des adolescents anglophones de niveau intermédiaire : privilégier l’approche déductive ou l’approche inductive?” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2015.
Lamarre, Patricia, Stéphanie Lamarre, Martin Lefranc, and Catherine Levasseur. La socialisation langagière comme processus dynamique : suivi d’une cohorte de jeunes plurilingues intégrant le marché du travail. Québec: Conseil supérieur de la langue française, 2015.
Kircher, Ruth. “Quebec’s Shift from Ethnic to Civic National Identity : Implications for Language Attitudes Among Immigrants in Montreal.” In Language and Identity : Discourse in the World, edited by David Evans, 55–80. London, England: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015.
Gonsalves, Allison, Russell Kueber, Paule Langevin, and Joanne Pocock. Partnering for the Well-Being of Minority English-Language Youth, Schools & Communities. Quebec: Learning English Education and Resource Network; The Community Learning Centre Initiative; and Community Health and Social Services Network, 2015.
Advisory Board on English Education. “We Are Accountable to the Students”: Success and Retention in English-Language Schools. Québec: Ministère de l’Éducation, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, 2015.
Blondeau, Hélène, Nathalie Dion, and Zoe Ziliak Michel. “Future Temporal Reference in the Bilingual Repertoire of Anglo-Montrealers: A Twin Variable.” International Journal of Bilingualism Vol. 18, no. 6 (December 2014): 674–692.
Ghandhi, Rohinton. “Gone In A Puff Of Smoke: Magic Tom Auburn.” Quebec Heritage News, Fall 2014.
Allard, Réal, and Rodrigue Landry. Graduating from an English High School in Quebec: Postsecondary Education Aspirations and Career Plans. Moncton, NB: Institut canadien de recherche sur les minorités linguistiques/Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Minorities, 2014.
Allard, Réal. “Children of Canada’s Official Language Minority Communities and Canada’s Official Languages.” In Life in an Official Minority Language in Canada, edited by Rodrigue Landry, 25–90. Moncton, NB: Institut canadien de recherche sur les minorités linguistiques/Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Minorities, 2014. life_official_minority_language.pdf.
Shahar, Charles. 2011 National Household Survey: The Jewish Community of Montreal. Part 3: Jewish Seniors. Part 4: The Jewish Poor. Montreal: Federation CJA and Jewish Federations of Canada-UIA, 2014.
Gérin-Lajoie, Diane. “Identité et sentiment d’appartenance chez les jeunes anglophones de Montréal.” Recherches sociographiques Vol. 55, no. 3 (September 2014): 467–484.
Hsu, Yon. “Feeling at Home in Chinatown: Voices and Narratives of Chinese Monolingual Seniors in Montreal.” Journal of International Migration and Integration Vol. 15, no. 2 (May 2014): 331–347.
Williams, Alexandra. “The Well-Being of Kenyan-Canadian Parents and Youth Living in Mixed Families in Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 2014.
Roskies Raby, Eva. “‘If You Build It, They Will Come’: The Norman Berman Children’s Library, 1983-2013.” Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes Vol. 22 (2014): 87–106.
Papaioannou, Maria. “Francophone High School Students’ Perceptions towards the Relationship between English and French in Québec.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 2014.
Moore, Lisa. “Becoming a ‘Villa Girl’: Youth Culture and the Student Experience at a Single-Sex Private School in Montreal, 1916-1980.” Master’s thesis, Concordia University, 2014.
Livingstone, Anne-Marie, Jacqueline Celemencki, and Melissa Calixte. “Youth Participatory Action Research and School Improvement: The Missing Voices of Black Youth in Montreal.” Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l’éducation Vol. 37, no. 1 (2014): 283–307.
Létourneau, Jocelyn. Je me souviens? : le passé du Québec dans la conscience de sa jeunesse. Montréal: Fides, 2014.
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