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Proceedings Connected with the Formation of the Montreal Horticultural Society; and Its Constitution. Montreal: Printed by J. Starke & Company, 1847.
“Ecclesiastical Affairs in Lower Canada.” Public Archives of Canada, Report (1892): 16–31.
“Lower Canada in 1800.” Public Archives of Canada, Report 1892 (1892): 9–15.
“Proposed Union Between Upper and Lower Canada.” Public Archives of Canada, Report (1897): 1–46.
Montreal : A Tale of Two Cities : French Montreal, English Montreal. Montreal: [s.n.], 1924.
“The Riots of 1849 in Montreal.” Canadian Historical Review Vol. 15, no. 3 (September 1934): 283–288.
“L’association loyale de Montréal.” Rapport de l’Archiviste de la Province de Québec pour 1948-1949 (1949 1948): 251–273.
Craig, G. M., ed. Lord Durham’s Report. Carleton Library, No. 1. Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart, 1963.
Ormsby, William G., ed. Crisis in the Canadas, 1838-39: The Grey Journals and Letters. Toronto, ON: The Macmillan Company of Canada, 1964.
Waite, P. B., ed. Pre-Confederation. Scarborough, ON: Prentice-Hall of Canada Ltd, 1965.
Ross, W. Gillies, ed. A Century of Change in Selected Eastern Township Villages: Barnston, Hatley, Huntingville, Massawippi. Lennoxville, QC: Bishop’s University, Department of Geography, 1967.
“The Fictitious ‘Right’ to a Language of Instruction.” Canada Month Vol. 9, no. 8 (1969): 3–4.
“Quand les anglo-Protestants jouent avec la confessionnalité scolaire.” Maintenant No. 92 (January 1970): 5–8.
Beauregard, Ludger, ed. Montréal : Guide d’excursions / Montreal : Field Guide. Montréal: Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 1972.
Images of Biculturalism: A Resource Guide for the Teaching of Canadian Literature. Toronto, ON: The Writers’ Development Trust, The Quebec Working Group, 1977.
Robeson, Virginia R., ed. Lower Canada in the 1830s. Curriculum Series no. 25. Toronto, ON: The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 1977.
Mallea, John R., ed. Quebec’s Language Policies: Background and Response. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 1977.
Mackey, William F., ed. Le bilinguisme canadien : bibliographie analytique et guide du chercheur. Québec: Centre international de recherche sur le bilinguisme, 1978.
Langlais, Jacques, and Robert Vachon, eds. Qui est Québécois? Montréal: Fides, 1979.
Amyot, Michel, ed. La situation démolinguistique au Québec et la Charte de la langue française. Documentation du Conseil de la langue française no. 5. Québec: Éditeur officiel du Québec, 1980.
“Le Québec anglophone hors de la région de Montréal dans les années soixante-dix.” 4 maps, 52x78 cm. Québec: Gouvernement du Québec, Conseil de la langue française, 1980.
Caldwell, Gary, and Éric Waddell, eds. The English of Québec: From Majority to Minority Status. Québec: Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture, 1982.
La question linguistique : l’état de l’opinion publique : analyse de sondage de SONDAGEX inc. (mars-avril 1983). Québec: Conseil de la langue française, 1983.
Freed, Josh, and Jon Kalina, eds. The Anglo Guide to Survival in Québec. Montreal: Eden Press, 1983.
Vachon, Robert, and Jacques Langlais, eds. Who Is a Québécois? Translated by Frances E. Morgan. Ottawa, ON: The Tecumseh Press, 1983.
Bourhis, Richard Y., ed. Conflict and Language Planning in Quebec. Clevedon, Avon, England: Multilingual Matters, 1984.
“History of Social Services at Ville-Marie Social Service Centre.” Intervention - Revue de la Corporation professionnelle des travailleurs sociaux du Québec Vol. 69 (Juillet 1984): 83–85.
Pao-Mercier, Laura, ed. Communautés culturelles au Québec : manuel de sensibilisation/Cultural Communities in Quebec : A Sensitization Manual. Montréal: Service à la famille chinoise du Grand Montréal/Chinese Family Service of Greater Montreal, 1987.
Hidas, Peter I., ed. Minorities and the Law from 1867 to the Present. Montreal: Dawson College Publications, 1987.
Montréal, Le Québec et La Révolution Française, 1789-1805/Montreal, Quebec and the French Revolution, 1789-1805. Ottawa, ON: Archives nationales du Canada/National Archives of Canada, 1989.
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