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Robinson, Ira. “Yehuda Kaufman’s Montreal Journalism, 1913-1917.” Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes Vol. 18-19 (2011 2010): 77–94.
Hart, Alexander. “Writing the Diaspora: A Bibliography and Critical Commentary on Post-Shoah English-Language Jewish Fiction in Australia, South Africa and Canada.” PhD dissertation, University of British Columbia, 1996.
Fransiszyn, Marilyn. William Henry Drummond Family Fonds : P103. Complete Inventory List. Montreal: McGill University, Osler Library Archive Collections, [n.d].
Richardson, Mary, Joëlle Gauvin-Racine, Shirley Jobson, Nathalie Sasseville, and Paule Simard. “What Do ‘Participation’ and ‘Action’ Really Mean in Participatory Action Research? Some Observations from a Community Development Project with Minority English-Speaking Communities in Quebec.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’études des Cantons de l’Est. No. 40 (Spring 2013): 11–31.
Tremblay, Marc. “Urban English and Scottish Ancestors in the Regional Populations of the Province of Quebec (Canada).” Local Population Studies Vol. 97, no. 1 (Autumn 2016): 10–27.
Aubé, Pierre-Yvan. Une bibliographie d’histoire régionale, Ville de Drummondville et la région. Drummondville, QC: Société historique du Centre-du-Québec, 1983.
Bourassa, Karl. “Un trésor méconnu des Cantons-de-l’Est : les archives de la Société historique de Stanstead.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies / Revue d’études des Cantons-de-l’Est No. 35 (2010): 115–121.
Thériault, Michel. “Un imprimé en caractères grecs à Montréal en 1837 : étude d’histoire typographique.” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada/Cahiers de la Société bibliographique du Canada Vol. 13 (1974): 75–84.
“Thomas Reagh Millman, 1905-1996.” Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society Vol. 40, no. 1 (1998): 3–4.
Steele, Apollonia, and Johanne K. Henning. Theses on English-Canadian Literature: A Bibliography of Research Produced in Canada and Elsewhere from 1903 Forward. Calgary, AB: University of Calgary Press, 1988.
Gnarowski, Michael. Theses and Dissertations in Canadian Literature. Ottawa, ON: Golden Dog Press, 1975.
Léger, Danielle. “Théâtre à Montréal, 1825-1930 : un récit visuel mettant en scène des documents patrimoniaux.” Archives Vol. 48, no. 1 (2019): 89–106.
Moscovitch, Allan. The Welfare State in Canada: A Selected Bibliography, 1840 to 1978. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1983.
Olson, Sherry. The Tip of the Iceberg: Strategy for Research on Nineteenth-Century Montreal. Montreal: Department of Geography, McGill University, 1986.
Adams, Annmarie, and David Theodore. The Royal Victoria Hospital in the Context of International Hospital Development. Montreal: Institut de recherche en histoire de l’architecture, 1994.
Staton, Frances. The Rebellion of 1837-38. A Bibliography of the Sources of Information in the Public Reference Library of the City of Toronto, Canada. Toronto, ON: Public Library of Toronto, 1924.
Kelley, Arthur Reading. “The Quebec Diocesan Archives -- Historical Records of the Church of England in the Diocese of Quebec.” Rapport de l’archiviste de la province de Québec pour 1946-47 (n.d.): 177–298.
Major-Marothy, Eva. “The Private Side of a Public Family: The Heneker Album and Diary.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’études des Cantons de l’Est No. 2 (Spring 1993): 43–50.
Brisebois, Michel. The Printing of Handbills In Quebec City, 1764-1800: A Listing with Critical Introduction. Montreal: Graduate School of Library and Information Studies, McGill University, 1995.
Dansereau, François. “The Portrayal of Gender in Health Care: An Examination of Hospital Photographic Archives.” Archivaria: The Journal of the Association of Canadian Archivists Vol. 90 (Fall 2020): 6–43.
The People of Montreal: A Bibliography of Studies of Their Lives and Behaviour. Montreal: Catholic Community Services Inc., 1976.
Ross, Aileen D. The People of Montreal: A Bibliography of Studies in Their Lives and Behaviour. Montreal: Catholic Community Services, 1976.
Lavie, Amir. “The Past Is Not a Foreign Country : Archival Mentalities and the Development of the Canadian-Jewish Community’s Archival Landscape During the Nineteen Seventies.” PhD dissertation, University of Toronto, 2019.
Thériault, Yvon. The Parliamentary Publications of the Province of Québec, since 1792. Québec: National Assembly of Québec, 1977.
McKellar, Shelley. “The Osler Library Prints Collection.” Bulletin of the History of Medicine Vol. 91, no. 2 (Summer 2017): 435–437.
Triggs, Stanley G. “The Notman Photographic Archives.” History of Photography Vol. 20, no. 2 (1996): 180–185.
Steele, Apollonia, and Jean F. Tener. The Mordecai Richler Papers, First Accession: An Inventory of the Archive at the University of Calgary Libraries. Calgary, AB: University of Calgary Press, 1987.
Cowie, Duncan. “The Marjorie Howard Futcher Photo Collection.” The Osler Library Newsletter No. 113 (Spring 2010): 1–4.
Farfan, Matthew F. The Making of the Haskell Free Library and Opera House : The Construction Years, 1901-1904 : Selected Letters from the Haskell Archives. Stanstead, QC: Historic Theatres Trust, 1999.
Gagné, Jacques. “The Loyalist Churches of Stanstead, Sherbrooke & West Compton.” Last modified 2014.
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