Full bibliography
14,555 resources
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St-Pierre, Marc. Revenant de Chine: Norman Bethune en mémoire. Laval, QC: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2023.
Sher, Julian. The North Star : Canada and the Civil War Plots Against Lincoln. Toronto, ON: Penguin Random House Canada, 2023.
Robinson, Ira. “Comparing Montreal and Toronto.” In The Ever-Dying People?: Canada’s Jews in Comparative Perspective, edited by Robert Brym and Randal F. Schnoor, Chapter 9. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2023.
Robert, Martin. Cette science nécessaire: Dissections humaines et formation médicale au Québec. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023.
Riggi, Jessica. “The Equality Party: A Trudeauist Vision of Federalism at the National Assembly.” In Contemporary Federalist Thought in Quebec: Historical Perspectives, edited by Antoine Brousseau Desaulniers and Stéphane Savard, translated by Mary Baker, Judith Laforest, Lawrence O’Hearn, and Eric Rodrigue, 51–71. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023.
Ricci, Amanda. “Searching for Zion: Diasporic Feminism in English-Speaking Black Montreal.” In Countercurrents: Women’s Movements in Postwar Montreal, 63–93. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023.
Portolese, Marisa, and Vincent Bonin. Goose Village. Montreal: Marisa Portolese, 2023. https://goosevillage.ca/.
Polèse, Mario. “Petite promenade dans NDG et quartiers avoisinants : le dilemme linguistique québécois (et canadien).” In Le français en déclin ? Repenser la francophonie québécoise, edited by Jean-Pierre Corbeil, Richard Marcoux, and Victor Piché, 339–354. Montréal: Del Busso, 2023.
Pannunzio, Anthony. “A Fractured Identity: The 1980 Referendum and the Italians of Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 2023. https://escholarship.mcgill.ca/concern/theses/ft848w449.
O’Donnell, Lorraine, and Patrick Donovan. “Resources on English-Speaking Quebec: A Field Map.” Minorités linguistiques et société / Linguistic Minorities and Society No. 20 (Numéro anniversaire) (2023): 1–25. https://www.erudit.org/en/journals/minling/2023-n20-minling07553/1110172ar.pdf.
O’Donnell, Lorraine. “La transformation du Québec anglophone : entre défis et résiliance.” In Une langue, des voix : Débats autour de la loi 96 au Québec, edited by Linda Cardinal, Bernard Gagnon, Virginie Hébert, and François Rocher, 57–63. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2023.
Nweze, Nmesoma, John Davids, Xiaoyan Fang, Anne Holdings, and Richard Koestner. “The Impact of Language on the Mental Health of Black Quebecers.” Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities (2023). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40615-022-01412-5.
(Mednick) Nepom, Rosalie, Sol Mednick, Ester (Korman) Verred, Harvey Korman, and Isaac Katz. The Jewish Community of Rouyn-Noranda: The Life and History of a Small Jewish Community in Northern Quebec (Remembered by Those Who Lived There). Edited by Bill Gladstone. Committee of Former Residents of Rouyn-Noranda, 2023.
McPherson, Heather. “Reproduction to Transformation: Disrupting Teacher Habitus Through Pedagogic Work.” British Journal of Sociology of Education Vol. 44, no. 2 (2023): 355–373.
Margolis, Rebecca. Yiddish Lives On: Strategies of Language Transmission. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023.
Lengies, Melissa Mei-Zhen. “Memory + Renewal: Equitable Development through the Reuse of Historic Buildings in Montreal’s Chinatown.” Master’s Thesis, Carleton University, 2023. https://repository.library.carleton.ca/concern/etds/gf06g3962?locale=en.
Lemyre, Étienne. “Fréquence d’utilisation du français au travail par les diplômés des cégeps et des universités anglophones de l’île de Montréal.” In Le français en déclin ? Repenser la francophonie québécoise, edited by Jean-Pierre Corbeil, Richard Marcoux, and Victor Piché, 324–338, 2023.
Lamarre, Patricia. “Une approche ethnographique dans l’analyse de la situation linguistique québécoise.” In Le français en déclin ? Repenser la francophonie québécoise, edited by Jean-Pierre Corbeil, Richard Marcoux, and Victor Piché, 236–257. Montréal: Del Busso, 2023.
Lacroix, Laurier. “Discovering Duncan. James Duncan: One of Quebec’s Most Famous Unknown Artists.” In James Duncan (1806-1881): Painter of Montreal, edited by Laurier Lacroix and Suzanne Sauvage, 13–45. Montreal: McCord Stewart Museum, 2023.
Kellert, Olga. “Probing Sociodemographic Influence on Code-Switching and Language Choice in Quebec with Geolocation of Tweets.” Frontiers in Psychology Vol. 14 (2023). https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1137038/abstract.
Jarymowycz, Roman Johan. The History of the Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada, 1759-2022. 3 vols. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023.
Hurley, Erin. “Changing States: The Well-Being of English Language Theater in Quebec.” In Theater and Human Flourishing, edited by Harvey Young, 154–177. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2023.
Hirsch, Sivane, and Corina Borri-Anadon. “Making Diversity in Rural Areas Visible: A Changing Perspective for Rural Schools in Quebec.” In Building Inclusive Communities in Rural Canada, edited by Clark Banack and Dionne Pohler, 47–72. Edmonton, AB: University of Alberta Press, 2023.
Grey, Julius. “La réforme des lois linguistiques : la fausse prémisse.” In Le français en déclin ? Repenser la francophonie québécoise, edited by Jean-Pierre Corbeil, Richard Marcoux, and Victor Piché, 416–430. Montréal: Del Busso, 2023.
Grenier, Benoît. Persistances seigneuriales. Histoire et mémoire de la seigneurie au Québec depuis son abolition. Québec: Septentrion, 2023.
Grenier, Benoît. “Mémoires de familles seigneuriales anglophones du Québec : de l’altérité à la bonne entente?” Minorités linguistiques et société / Linguistic Minorities and Society No. 21 (2023): 1–18. https://www.erudit.org/fr/revues/minling/2023-n21-minling07803/1097637ar.pdf.
Gold, Phil. Gold’s Rounds: Medicine, McGill, and Growing Up Jewish in Montreal. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023.
Gérin-Lajoie, Diane. “Le rapport aux langues chez les jeunes dans les écoles de langue anglaise au Québec : une réalité complexe.” In Le français en déclin ? Repenser la francophonie québécoise, edited by Jean-Pierre Corbeil, Richard Marcoux, and Victor Piché, 274–287. Montréal: Del Busso, 2023.
Gehmacher, Arlene. “Speaking Volumes: James Duncan ‘Takes Note’ of Montreal.” In James Duncan (1806-1881) : Painter of Montreal, edited by Laurier Lacroix and Suzanne Sauvage, 48–59. Montreal: McCord Stewart Museum, 2023.
Ethier, Alexandra, and Annie Carrier. “Strategies to Access Health and Social Services for English-Speaking Older Adults in Quebec: A Qualitative Case Study.” Canadian Social Work Review / Revue canadienne de service social Vol. 40, no. 1 (2023): 5–27.
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