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Sutherland, Alexander. Methodism in Canada, Its Works and Its Story: Being the Thirty-Third Fernley Lecture, Delivered in Penzance, 31st July, 1903. London, England: Charles H. Kelly, 1903. http://archive.org/stream/methodismincanad00suthuoft#page/n5/mode/2up.
Langelier, Charles. L’Honorable Thomas Cushing Aylwin, juge de la Cour du Banc de la reine : conférence donnée devant le Barreau à Québec, novembre MCMIII. Québec: Typ. Dussault & Proulx, 1903.
Lamothe, J. Cléophas, and éditeurs La Violette et Massé. Histoire de la Corporation de la Cité de Montréal depuis son origine jusqu’à nos jours : comprenant, en outre les portraits et biographies des membres du Conseil municipal de Montréal et des principaux fonctionnaires actuels,.. Montréal: Montreal Printing and Publishing Company, 1903.
Hinshelwood, N. M. Montreal and Vicinity, Being a History of the Old Town, a Pictorial Record of the Modern City, Its Sports and Passtimes, and an Illustrated Description of Many Charming Summer Resorts Around. Montreal: Desbarats & Co., 1903.
Doughty, Arthur G., and N.-E. Dionne. Quebec Under Two Flags: A Brief History of the City from Its Foundation Until the Present Time. Quebec: Quebec News, 1903.
Carr-Harris, Bertha Wright. The White Chief of the Ottawa. Toronto, ON: William Briggs, 1903.
Morgan, Henry J., ed. Types Of Canadian Women And Of Women Who Are Or Have Been Connected With Canada. Toronto, ON: W, Briggs, 1903.
The Newspaper Reference Book of Canada: Embracing Facts and Data Regarding Canada and Biographical Sketches of Representative Canadian Men: For Use By Newspapers. Toronto, ON: The Press Publishing Company, 1903.
Colby, C. W. “Rev. G.J. Mountain.” The McGill University Magazine Vol. 2, no. 1 (December 1902): 21–23.
Abbott, Maude E. “Historical Sketch of the Medical Faculty of McGill University.” Montreal Medical Journal Vol. 31 (August 1902): 561–672. http://online.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.97328/1?r=0&s=1.
Channell, L. S. “Eastern Townships.” Canadian Magazine, May 1902.
Ruttan, F. R. “Dr. William Robertson.” The McGill University Magazine, April 1902.
McCormick, A. S. “McGill in South Africa.” The McGill University Magazine, April 1902.
Willson, Beckles. Lord Strathcona: The Story Of His Life. London, England: Methuen, 1902.
St. Martin’s Church. Historical Sketch of St. Martin’s Church : 1874-1902, Montreal, Canada. Montreal: [s.n.], 1902.
McKillop, Dugald McKenzie. Annals of Megantic County, Quebec. Lynn, Mass.: [s.n.], 1902.
Johnston, Wyatt G. “Montreal General Hospital, No. 3. Reference Index of Post-Mortems from 1883 to 1895.” Copy in McGill University’s Osler Library of the History of Medicine, Robertson Collection, 1902.
Graham, Franklin Thomas. Histrionic Montreal: Annals of the Montreal Stage, with Biographical and Critical Notices of the Plays and Players of a Century. 2nd ed. Montreal: John Lovell & Son, 1902.
Desjardins, L. G. Décisions Des Orateurs de l’Assemblée Législative de La Province de Québec, 1867-1901 / Decisions of the Speakers of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Quebec, 1867-1901. Québec: Assemblée législative, 1902.
Desjardins, Joseph. Guide parlementaire historique de la Province de Québec, 1792 à 1902. Québec: Législature de Québec, 1902.
Curran, J. J. Golden Jubilee of St. Patrick’s Orphan Asylum: The Work of Fathers Dowd, O’Brien and Quinlivan, with Biographies and Illustrations. Montreal: Catholic Institution for Deaf Mutes, 1902. http://contentdm.ucalgary.ca/digital/collection/p22007coll8/id/958532/rec/343.
Adams, John. The Protestant School System in the Province of Quebec. Montreal: E.M. Renouf, 1902. https://archive.org/details/protestantschool00adamuoft.
Cooper, John A., ed. Men of Canada: A Portrait Gallery of Men Whose Energy, Ability, Enterprise and Public Spirit Are Responsible For The Advancement Of Canada, The Premier Colony Of Great Britain: 1901-2. Montreal: The Canadian Historical Company, 1902.
Historical Sketch of Trinity Church, 1840-1902, Montreal, Canada. Montreal: [s.n.], 1902.
Oakeley, H. D. “The Royal Victoria College.” The McGill University Magazine Vol. 1, no. 1 (December 1901): 85–92.
Barrows, Isabel C. “Lake Memphremagog and Its Wooded Shores.” New England Magazine (August 1901): 626–642.
Cruikshank, E. “Le service postal au commencement du régime anglais.” Bulletin des Recherches Historiques Vol. 7, no. 3 (March 1901): 89–93.
Sir Bourque, John G. Canada Under British Rule, 1760-1900. Toronto, ON: Copp Clark, 1901.
Roy, Pierre-Georges. La dixième législature de Québec : galerie des membres du Conseil Législatif et des députés à l’Assemblée Législative. Lévis, QC: Bulletin des recherches historiques, 1901. http://www.ourroots.ca/toc.aspx?id=4597&qryID=6c1816ab-c69b-4b45-a53e-bdf4e10ddca6.
McLean, F. H. “Municipal Government of Montreal.” Annals of the American Academy of Political Science Vol. 18 (1901): 359–363.
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