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McAleer, George. Reminiscent and Otherwise: Life in the Eastern Townships Fifty Years Ago. Worcester, MA: Goddard, 1901.
Johnson, George. “Eastern Townships. 1901.” [S.l.], 1901. University of Saskatchewan Library (Special Collections).
Dawson, John William. Fifty Years of Work in Canada, Scientific and Educational: Being Autobiographical Notes. London, England: Ballantyne, Hanson & Company, 1901.
Committee from the St. James Methodist Church. St. James’ Methodist Church, St. Catherine Street, Montreal. Montreal: [s.n.], 1901.
Chambers, Ernest J. The Montreal Highland Cadets: Being a Record of the Organization and Development of a Useful and Interesting Corps. Montreal: Desbarats & Co., 1901. http://archive.org/details/montrealhighland00chamuoft/.
Bois, Louis-Édouard. “L’Honorable Adam Mabane.” Bulletin de recherches historiques Vol. 7, no. 2 (1901): 42–46.
Bellingham, Sydney Robert. Some Personal Recollections of the Rebellion of 1837 in Canada. Dublin, Ireland: Printed by Browne & Nolan, 1901. http://archive.org/stream/somepersonalreco00bellrich#page/n3/mode/2up.
“Education in the Canadas.” Canadian Archives Report (1900) (1901): 49–67.
Oxley, J. Macdonald. “The Greatest Bank in America.” The Canadian Magazine, December 1900.
“Reading List on Canada and Montreal.” Library Journal Vol. 25 (March 1900): 120–141.
Noyes, John P. The Canadian Loyalist and Early Settlers in the District of Bedford. St. Johns, QC (St-Jean-sur-Richelieu): The News Typ., 1900. http://archive.org/details/cihm_11393.
Drouin, J.P.R. Le sport, guide officiel : baseball, ligue de l’Est, ligue provinciale, ligue de Montréal, ligue nationale, ligue indépendante : crosse, yatch, cyclisme, turf, pêche, chasse et natation. 1ère. Montréal: Impr. du journal Les Débats, 1900.
Campbell, Francis Wayland. History of the Formation of the Medical Faculty, University of Bishop’s College, in Montreal. Waterville, QC: J.H. Osgood, 1900.
Bourinot, John. “Social and Economic Conditions of the British Provinces After the Canadian Rebellions, 1838-1840.” Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada/Mémoire de la Société Royale du Canada 2nd Series, Vol. 6 (1900): 29–47.
Audet, Francis-J. “Le clergé protestant du Bas-Canada de 1760 à 1800.” Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada/Mémoire de la Société Royale du Canada 2nd Series, Vol. 6 (1900): 133–142.
Ami, Henry Marc. A Brief Biographical Sketch of Sir John William Dawson. Minneapolis, MN: The American Geologist, 1900.
A French Canadian. “Municipal Reform in Montreal.” The Canadian Magazine, March 1899.
Weir, Robert Stanley. The Education Act of the Province of Quebec (62 Victoria, Cap. 28) : With All the Relevant Decisions of the Courts, and the Regulations of the Protestant and Catholic Committees of the Council of Public Instruction. Montreal: C. Theoret, 1899.
Têtu, Horace. Résumé historique de l’industrie et du commerce de Québec de 1775 à 1900. Québec: [s.n.], 1899. https://digital.library.yorku.ca/yul-900561/résumé-historique-de-lindustrie-et-du-commerce-de-québec-de-1775-à-1900#page/1/mode/2up.
Stirling, John. A Short Sketch of the History of Crescent Street Church, Montreal. Montreal: Morton, Phillips & Co., 1899. http://ia600502.us.archive.org/19/items/ashortsketchofth00stiruoft/ashortsketchofth00stiruoft.pdf.
Reade, John. “English Literature and Journalism in Quebec.” In Canada, An Encyclopaedia of the Country, edited by J. Castell Hopkins, 5:147–165. Toronto, ON: Linscott, 1899.
James, C. C. A Bibliography of Canadian Poetry (English). Victoria University Library, Publication No. 1. Toronto, ON: Printed for the Library by William Briggs, 1899. http://scans.library.utoronto.ca/pdf/4/3/bibliographyofca00jameuoft/bibliographyofca00jameuoft.pdf.
Farrell, Arthur. Hockey: Canada’s Royal Winter Game. Montreal: C.R. Corneil, 1899.
Montréal fin-de-siècle : histoire de la métropole du Canada au dix-neuvième siècle. Montreal: The Gazette Printing Company, 1899.
Dafoe, John W. “The Fenian Invasion of Quebec, 1866.” The Canadian Magazine Vol. 10, no. 4 (February 1898): 339–347.
Woodward, Jas. R. Sherbrooke Illustrated : Containing A Brief Reference to Its Early Settlement, and More Fully to Its Admirable Location : Its Unrivalled Natural Water Power ; Its Position as a Great Railway, Mineral and Agricultural Centre, Surrounded by a Beautifully Picturesque Country. Sherbrooke, QC: published under the auspices of the City Council and Board of Trade by W.A. Morehouse, 1898.
LeMoine, James MacPherson. “Québec en 1837-38.” Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada/Mémoire de la Société Royale du Canada 2nd Series, Vol. 4 (1898): 119–130.
Gould, C. H. “Description of Important Libraries in Montreal with Remarks Upon Departmental Libraries.” Transactions and Proceedings of the 2nd International Library Conference (London, July 13-16, 1897) (1898): 154–157.
Gilbert, W. R. Sports of Greater Britain, with a Short History of the Montreal Amateur Athletic Association. Montreal: The Shareholder, 1898.
Drummond, William Henry. Pioneers of Medicine in the Province of Quebec. Montreal: [s.n.], 1898. http://ebooks.library.ualberta.ca/local/cihm_24389.
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