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Tucker, W. Bowman. The Camden Colony, or, The Seed of the Righteous: A Story of the United Empire Loyalists, with Genealogical Tables. Montreal: John Lovell & Son, 1908.
Martin, Raymond M. The Burtons of Black Cape and Their Descendants. Victoria, BC: [s.n.], 1972.
Buchanan, A. W. Patrick. The Buchanan Book: The Life of Alexander Buchanan, Q.C., of Montreal, Followed by an Account of the Family of Buchanan. Montreal: Printed for private circulation, 1911.
Ellis, David J. The Boomhower Families Around Missisquoi Bay, Québec. Londonderry, NH: D.J. Ellis, 2010.
Hamilton, Janice. “The Bagg Family of Massachusetts and Montreal.” Connections: Journal of The Quebec Family History Society Vol. 34, no. 2 (Winter/Spring 2012): 8–11.
Wheatman, Grace, and John Wheatman. The Avoca Cemetery. Avoca, QC: [s.n.], 1988.
Annett, Kenneth. “The Annett Family of Gaspé.” Gaspésie, September 1982.
Boutin, Robert. The Anglo-Protestants of Megantic County, Repertory of Births, Marraiges and Burials -- Les Anglo-Protestants Du Comté de Mégantic, Répertoire Des Naissances, Mariages, Annotations Marginales et Sépultures, 1826-1991. Thetford Mines, QC: Société généalogique de la region de l’Amiante, 1992.
Moffatt, Eva L. The Ancestry of William Forbes of Barre, Mass., and Montreal, Que., 1778-1833: Thirteen “Stories.” Victoria, BC: G. Gilbert, 1953.
Gilbert, Geoffrey, and Eva L. Moffatt. The Ancestors of Moses Haskell Gilbert of Vermont and Montreal, 1790-1843. Victoria, BC: [G. Gilbert], 1954.
Simmons, Marlene. Sutton Township, Quebec, 1850-1899: Births, Marriages and Burials in the Protestant Civil Registers. Pointe Claire, QC: Quebec Family History Society, 1994.
Simmons, Marlene. Sutton, Quebec, Area Cemeteries: An Index to Grave Stone Inscriptions. Pointe Claire, QC: Quebec Family History Society, 1996.
Réhel, Élaine. St-Patrice de Douglastown, 1845-2008 / St. Patrick’s of Douglastown, 1845-2008. Percé, Québec: Élaine Réhel, 2009.
Société de généalogie de Lanaudière. St-Gabriel-de-Brandon, comté de Berthier, 1840-1993. Joliette, QC: Société de généalogie de Lanaudière, 2002.
Brock, Elizabeth, and Jackie Tilton. Stanstead County Vital Statistics : November 1845 to December 1860. Stanstead, QC: Stanstead Historical Society / Société Historique de Stanstead, 1993.
Wilson, Elane. Stanstead County Vital Statistics : January 1959 to December 1963. Stanstead, QC: Stanstead Historical Society / La Société historique de Stanstead, 2001.
Hamilton, Janice. “Stanley Bagg and the Mile End Tavern : Quebec Notarial Records Yield Vital Insights.” Quebec Heritage News, Winter 2022.
Gorr, Robbie. Standard Church Cemetery, Pt Lot 18B, Range 12, Clarendon Township. Pembroke, ON: Upper Ottawa Valley Genealogical Group, 1992.
Stanbridge Station, 1889-1989. Albums souvenirs québécois. Sherbrooke, QC: Éditions Louis-Bilodeau & Fils, 1989.
Waugh, Pamelea Wood, and Shirley Dean Wood. Stanbridge Baptist Church Records: Missisquoi County, Quebec, Canada. Orlando, FL.: P.W. Waugh, 1990.
Hannen, Peter, ed. Stanbridge, 1890-1990. Albums souvenirs québécois. Sherbrooke, QC: Éditions Louis Bilodeau & Fils, 1990.
Pepin, Jean-Pierre-Yves. Stanbridge, 1832-1942 : comté de Missisquoi, 5 églises protestantes. Longueuil, QC: Diffusion généalogique Pepin, 1CD-ROM, 2006.
St. Stephen’s Roman Catholic Cemetery, Old Chelsea, Qué. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1980.
Belisle, Ruth. St. Stephen’s Anglican Cemetery, Papineau County, Buckingham, Quebec. Publication (Ontario Genealogical Society. Ottawa Branch) 74–8. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Branch, Ontario Genealogy Society, 1971.
Lang, Burton. St. Paul’s Presbyterian (United) Church, Ormstown, Quebec: Old Burying Ground, Monument Inscription List. Howick, QC: B. Lang, 2000.
Chevrier, Sylvie. St. Patrick’s Church, Maniwaki, 1960-1983: Baptisms, Marriages, Burials, Repertoire. Edited by Raymond Bastien. Maniwaki, QC: St. Patrick’s Church, 1983.
Hennessy, Sheila. St. Patrick Church, Montreal: Record of Marriages (1859-1904). 2 vols. Mississauga, ON: Sheila Hennessy-Brandl, 2005.
Hennessy, Sheila. St. Patrick Church, Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Record of Baptisms, 1873-1904. Mississauga, ON: Sheila Hennessy-Brandl, 2005.
Laliberté, Yvon, Hélène Laliberté, and Clarence X. Dodd. St. Mungo’s United Church Cemetery: Chatham Township, Argenteuil County, Province of Quebec. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Branch, Ontarion Genealogical Socirty, 1979.
Lang, Burton. St. Matthew’s Episcopal (Edwardstown Anglican) Cemetery, St-Chrysostôme, Quebec: Monument Inscription Listing. Howick, QC: B. Lang, 2002.
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