Études postsecondaires dans la langue de la minorité : portrait et analyse des enjeux

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Études postsecondaires dans la langue de la minorité : portrait et analyse des enjeux
Among the findings found by the authors were: In 2018, pursuing a university education in English was the preferred option for a large majority of those who had English as their first language (76.8 percent) or English as the language most often spoken at home (79.6 percent); those who studied only in English at university relied twice as much on the reputation of the institution (42.2 percent) to guide their choice than did those who studied in French (21.9 percent); a strong link between program of study and employment was less prevalent among those studying in English at a university or CEGEP compared to those studying in French; and postsecondary student debt was lower in Quebec than in other provinces; however, the average university debt in Quebec was higher for those who studied in English ($24,000) compared to those who studied in French ($17,700). Similar, although smaller, cost gaps also existed for college/CEGEP education. The authors also found that in 2018-2019: 24.9 percent of all Quebec university students were studying in English; the international university student population was more than twice as high among students enrolled in the three English language universities (24.8 percent) compared to students enrolled in French language universities (10.8 percent); the three fields of study with the highest enrolment in English were humanities (22.2 percent), applied sciences (21.9 percent) and administrative sciences (17.2 percent). The authors also note that 19.5 percent of the total college/CEGEP enrolment in Quebec was studying in English.
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Institut canadien de recherche sur les minorités linguistiques / Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Minorities
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Report. Prepared for the Department of Canadian Heritage
French, with English summary
Forest, Mariève, and Guillaume Deschênes‑Thériault. “Études postsecondaires dans la langue de la minorité : portrait et analyse des enjeux.” Report. Prepared for the Department of Canadian Heritage. Institut canadien de recherche sur les minorités linguistiques / Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Minorities. Last modified 2021. https://icrml.ca/en/research-and-publications/references/item/83832-etudes-postsecondaires-dans-la-langue-de-la-minorite-portrait-et-analyse-des-enjeux.
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